Bibliography and References Abraham, E. (1988) Hylands - an architectural history. Chelmsford Borough Council Addison, W. (1949) Essex Heyday. Dent Anon - (2002) A Hunting Lodge at Stansted. Essex Past and Present. November p. 14 Braybrooke, Lord (1836) The History of Audley End (Samuel Bentley, London) Briggs, N. (1989) Georgian Essex. E.R.O. Cantor, L. (1983) The Medieval Parks of England (Loughborough University of Technology) Cassidy, R. (1978) A Short History of Copped Hall. Upshire Pres. Soc. & Waltham Abbey- Historical Society Cassidy, R. (1983) Copped Hall - a short history. Waltham Abbey Historical Society (Reprinted 1985) Conway, H. (1996) Public Parks. Shire Garden History No. 9 Cowell, F. (1986 - 87) Richard Woods (71716 - 93) A Preliminary Account. Parts I, II & III. Garden History, (p.19 - 54, 85 - 119 & 115 - 135) Cowell. F. & Green, G (eds.) (2000) A Gazetteer of Sites in Essex associated with Humphry Repton. Essex Gardens Trust Daniel, W.B. (1812) Rural Sports Vol. 1. London Dobson, J. (1999) The Mammals of Essex. Lopinga Books Drury. P.J. & Gow.J.R. (1984) Audley End. H.M.S.O. Emmison, F.G. (1961) Tudor Secretary - Sir William Petre at Court and Home. Longmans Emmison, F.G. (1970) Elizabethan Life : Disorder. Essex County Council English Heritage (1987) Register of Parks and Gardens of Historic Interest. Part 15, Essex (with later revisions) Fisher, J.L. (1997) A Medieval Farming Glossary of Latin and English Words (2nd edition revised by A. & R. Powell reprint 2003) E.R.O. Foremaa S. (1999) Hylands-the story of an Essex Country House and its owners. Ian Henry Publications. 2nd edition Fowkes. R.L. and Ramsey, W.G (1986) Epping Forest - then and now. Plaistow Press Green, L.S. (ed.) (1999) The Essex Landscape. In search of its history. Essex County Council Gunton, T. (2000) Wild Essex. Lopinga Books Harding, P.T. & Wall,T (2000) Moccas: an English deer park. English Nature Harvey, G. (2002) Parkland. National Trust - Living Landscapes Essex Parks: Section 1 - Parks in Essex 61