Hylands Park - A Brief History Hylands - notable dates 1728-30 Hylands built in red brick in the Queen Anne style. Park covers about 100 acres. 1738 Owner Sir John Comyns becomes Chief Baron of the Exchequer. 1745 John Comyns (II) takes-up residence. 1760 John Richard Comyns inherits. 1797 Cornelius Kortright purchases the estate. 1797 - 1803 Humphry Repton engaged to work on the park. 1814 Pierre Caesar Labouchere purchases the estate; park now 214 acres. 1819 - 25 William Atkinson engaged, probably working on a number of buildings in the park. 1839 Last known record of Repton's 'Red Book' for Hylands. John Attwood purchases estate. c. 1841 Wall built along London Road. Attwood buys-out public rights of way, including all roads, across park. 1858 Arthur Pryor purchases Hylands. 1882 Halt built on railway for the estate. 1907 Frederic Chancellor plan of Hylands House drawn-up. 1908 Sir Daniel Fulthorpe Gooch purchases Hylands. 1912 Famous 'aero-wedding' between Claude Graham-White and Dorothy Taylor. 1914 King George Vvisits Hylands. 1915 Lord Kitchener visits Hylands. 1922 John MacKenzie Hanbury purchases Hylands. 1920s Ha-Ha in front of house made. 1930s London Road dualized. Brick wall re-built inside former park boundary. 1940s Used as military command post inc. anti-aircraft division (T.A.). German P.O.W. camp established. 1944 Established as forward HQ for S.A.S. 1946 Essex Show held in park. Essex Parks: Section 2 - Hylands Park 67