Veteran Trees and Saproxylic Invertebrates at Hylands Park Distribution of some saproxylic hoverflies in Essex Parks * = present ** = found outside park boundary DAGNAM HYLANDS THORNDON WEALD Brachyopa insensilis * * * * Brachyopa scutellaris * * * * Brachypalpoides lentus ** * * Callicera aurata * Callicera spinolae * Chalcosyrphus nemorum * * * Criorhina asilica * * Criorhina berberina * Criorhina floccosa * * * Criorhina ranunculi * Didea fasciata * Epistrophe diaphana * Ferdinandea cuprea * * Ferdinandea ruficornis ** Mallota cimbiciformis * Meligramma euchroma * Myolepta dubia * * * Psilota anthracina * * * * Xylota sylvarum * * * * Xylota xanthocnema * References Foreman, S. (1999) Hylands - the story of an Essex country house and its owners. 2nd ed. Ian Henry Publications Harding, P.T. and Rose, F. (1986) Pasture-Woodlands in Lowland Britain - a review of their importance for wildlife conservation. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology Harding. P.T. and Wall, T (2000) Moccas: an English deer park. English Nature Kirby, K.J. and Drake, C.M. (1993) Dead Wood Mailers: the ecology and conservation of saproxylic invertebrates in Britain. English Nature (Science No. 7) Read. H.J. (2000) Veteran Trees - a guide to good management. English Nature Smith. H. (1925) A History of the Parish of Havering-atte-Bower, Essex. (L.B. Havering reprint 1990) Stubbs, A.E. and Chandler, P. J. (1978) A Dipterist's Handbook. The Amateur Entomologist Vol. 15. The Amateur Entomologists Society Stubbs, A.E. and Falk, S.J. (2002) British Hoverflies - an illustrated identification guide. The British Entomological and Natural History Society Essex Parks: Section 2 - Hylands Park 117