Freshwater Life Recorders: M.W.Hanson, G. Wilkinson, S. Wilkinson, Pam Wilson, Peter Wilson, Sheila McDonald, Dr Peter Hammond, the late Stan Hudgell, Derek Smith Records: 2000 - 2003 Hylands has a good range of freshwater habitat - with at least fifteen ponds of varying size, an ornamental serpentine lake - almost certainly the work of Humphry Repton - three areas of flowing water (River Wid, Sandy Brook and the culvert), a Ha-Ha ditch, a "moat" (at least a deliberately excavated linear/curved feature), a watercress bed (spring-fed) and "sedge-fens" - areas of very wet ground colonised by the sedge Carex pendula. Many of the ponds contain Great Crested Newts. Not all the water bodies are permanent (ie the Ephemeral Pond), some al least partially dry-out in summer. Even so. the tiny Ephemeral Pond is probably the oldest in the park and has a unique flora and fauna (including Fine-leaved Water-dropwort and the damselfly Lestes dryas) and really merits further investigation and special conservation measures. The flowing water habitat obviously lias its own specially adapted species; the culvert and Sandy Brook probably suffer from some polluted run-off from adjacent agricultural land. The River Wid, running extensively through agricultural land, is also vulnerable to pesticide and fertiliser run-off, but still prov ides for Water Vole, Otter, the damselfly Platycnemis pennipes and the local (RDB 3) Bryozoan Lophopis crystallina, which was recorded (as statoblasts in flood debris) from here in 2002. The Ha-Ha ditch south of the house is notably the home of the rare land leech Trocheta subviridis. HYDROZOA Hydra viridissima Hydra vulgaris TRICLADIDA Dendrocoelum lacteum Dugesia lugubris BRYOZOA Lophopis crystallina MOLLUSCA Acroloxus lacustris Ancylus fluviatilis Anodonta anatina Anodonta cygnaea Gyraulus albus Gyraulus crista Hippeutis complanatus Lymnaea palustris Lymnaea peregra Lymnaea stagnalis Musculium lacustre MOLLUSCA cont. Physa acuta Pisidium personatum Planorbarius corneus Potamopyrgus antipodarum HIRUDINEA Glossiphonia complanata Glossiphonia heteroclita Helobdella stagnalis Theromyzon tessulatum Trocheta subviridis MALACOSTRACA Asellus aquaticus Asellus meridianus Crangonyx pseudogracilis Gammarus pulex EPHEMEROPTERA Baetis vernus Cloeon dipterum Essex Parks: Section 2 - Hylands Park 125