Lichens of Hylands Park John Skinner Recorders : John Skinner and Tim Pyner Records : 2000-2002 Nomenclature follows 'The Lichen Flora of Great Britain and Ireland' by Purvis et al (1992) with a few recent changes. The principal habitats of interest, from the point of view of their lichen flora, are: The perimeter wall of the Park The part examined was in the north east sector, beside the A414 (London Road), but all remaining sections of old brick wall arc potentially of interest. The lichen flora is typical of established brickwork with Lecanora atra and Buellia and Trapelia species. Low garden walls near the House Low flagstone-capped walls bear an interesting flora with Sarcogyne simplex and Lecidella carpathica, neither species particularly common in Essex, although easily overlooked. Ash, Walnut and Willow trees The most luxuriant lichen growth in the park is seen on sloping Ash and Willow trees, particularly near ponds. In this situation, trunks are covered with Parmelia species and the two similar species (split fairly recently) Punctelia subrudecta and P. ulophylla. On one Willow tree. Candelariella reflexa was found fertile, which is unusual. A large old Walnut tree near the House was also well covered with lichens, including Parmelia saxatilis, not yet found elsewhere in the park. The conspicuous species Parmelia caperata and P. perlata, which have both spread and increased rapidly in Essex over the last ten years, were both found several times. Tree stumps Tree stumps, particularly in the formal gardens, were well colonised by Cladonia species. Although no rare species were found, it emphasises the importance of rotten wood as a lichen substratum. A total of 61 lichens were recorded. 33 associated in some wav with trees and 28 with brick, mortar and imported flagstones. Amandinea punctata A carospora fuscata Anisomeridium nyssaegenum Buellia aethalea Buellia verruculosa Caloplaca citrina Caloplaca holocarpa Candelariella aurella Candelariella reflexa Candelariella vitellina Catillaria chalybeia Cladonia chlorophaea Cladonia coniocraea bark of Ash, Elder, Walnut, Willow flagstones of garden wall Elder brick boundary' wall brick boundary wall mortar of boundary wall mortar of boundary wall bricks of boundary wall bark of Willow (fertile) brick boundary wall, flagstones of garden wall bricks of boundary wall ground in garden tree stump in garden 144 Essex Parks: Section 2 - Hylands Park