Fungi from Hylands Park Tony Boniface Recorders : Tony Boniface, Steven Wilkinson, M.W.Hanson Records : 2000 - 2002 Hylands Park provides a variety of habitats for fungi ranging from ancient woodland, plantation, dead wood, rough grassland, mown lawns, and flower beds. Bracket fungi on living and dead trees arc well represented:- Inonotus dryadeus Oak Bracket is found near the base of mature oaks often covered in golden drops. Ganoderma resinaceum has a lacquered surface and greyish-white pores. Ganoderma australe (=adspersum) Southern Bracket has a large perennial fruiting body. Meripilus giganteus Giant Polypore has numerous fan-shaped outgrowths which slowly turnblack when bruised. Fistulina hepatica Poor Man's Beefsteak exudes a red liquid. Polyporus squamosus Dryad's Saddle forms thin, large, scaly brackets early in the season. Daedaleopsis confragosa Blushing Bracket has a pore surface which turns reddish when bruised. Laetiporus sulphureus Chicken of the Woods has large orange-yellow fruiting bodies. Piptoporus betulinus Birch Polypore has been used to strop razors and as tinder. Trametes versicolor Turkey-tail Bracket has a multibanded upper surface. Stereum hirsutum Hairy Crust has a smooth fertile surface without gills, tubes or teeth. Auricularia auricula-judae Wood Ear is a gelatinous fungus usually found on elder. Auricularia mesenterica Tripe Crust has a irregularly wrinkled lower surface. *Daedalea quercina Oak Maze-gill has maze-like pores on the under surface. Inonotus hispidus Shaggy Bracket has a hairy to bristly upper surface. *Bjerkandera adusta Smoky Bracket has dark grey pores. *Pleurotus cornucopiae Branched Oyster has gills which branch and form a network over the top of the stem. *Chondrostereum purpureum Silver Leaf Fungus has a pink to violaceous colour. *Polyporus durus Bay Polypore has a white, cream or tan upper surface. *Po/yporus leptocephalus Blackfoot Polypore has a dark brown to bay upper surface. *Hohenbuehelia geogenia has a tongue to funnel-shaped cap split down one side with decurrent gills down an excentric stem. *Pleurotus dryinus Veiled Oyster has a ring on the stem when young. It is important to leave dead trunks and branches in situ to enable lignicolous species to establish themselves. Such species include:- Pluteus cervinus Deer Shield has pink spores. Xylaria hypoxylon Candle Snuff Fungus is very common. Gymnopilus penetrans Common Rustgill has an orange brown cap and, sometimes a scented smell. Gymnopilus junonius Juno's Rustgill is also known as the great big laughing Gymnopilus. Exidia glandulosa Witches' Butter has jelly-like fruiting bodies. Mycena inclinata Clustered Bonnet occurs in dense tufts. 146 Essex Parks: Section 2 - Hylands Park