Fungi from Hylands Park Hypholoma fasciculare Sulphur Tuft is extremely common. Tapinella (Paxillus) atrotomentosa Velvet Rollrim lias a velvety fruiting body and grows on pine stumps. It is rare in Essex. Gymnopus (=Collybia) fusipes Spindle Tough-shank grows in clumps at the base of deciduous trees. Xylaria polymorpha Dead Man's Fingers is much larger than the Candle Snuff Fungus. Daldinia concentrica King Alfred's Cakes grows mainly on ash. Hypoxylon fragiforme Beech Woodwort is one of several species with black outgrowths on dead wood. Coprinus micaceous Glistening Inkcap is the commonest ink cap and has mica-like flakes on the cap. Resupinatus applicatus Smoked Oyster is a small fungus without a stalk with gills radiating from a central point. Rhodotus palmatus Wrinkled Elm Cap is pink and is usually found on elm. Xerula radicata Rooting Shank is a very tall fungus with a long root attached to tree roots especially beech. lycoperdon pyriforme Stump Puffball is the only puffball found on wood. Crucibulum leave Common Bird's Nest is usually found on dead twigs and branches. Kuehneromyces mutabilis has markedly hygrophanous caps found in clumps on stumps. Ramaria stricta Upright Coral is a yellowish-brown coral fungus often found onburicd tree roots. *Flammulina velutipes Velvet Shank has a dark brown velvety stalk. *Nectria cinnabarina is the Coral Spot Fungus. *Armillaria mellea Honey Fungus is a dangerous parasite of trees and shrubs. *Dacrymyces stillatus Orange Jelly has small, cushion-shaped, orange-yellow fruiting bodies. *Bulgaria inquinans Black Bulgar has black, rubbery fruiting bodies. *Bisporella citrina Lemon Elfcup has very small, saucer-shaped, yellow cups. *Phlebia radiata Wrinkled Crust grows flat on the bark of dead trees. It has a wrinkled, orange surface. *Tremella mesenterica Yellow Brain Fungus consists of gelatinous lobes and folds. *Coprinus atramentarius Common Inkcap is associated with buried wood. It causes very unpleasant symptoms when eaten with alcohol. *Coprinus disseminatus Fairy Inkcap occurs on or near tree stumps in extremely large groups. *Hericium cirrhatum Tiered Tooth is a Red Data List species which is recorded as vulnerable ic likely to become endangered. It was found on the end of a fallen walnut in January 2001. It has not been found since. *Psathyrella candolleana Pallid Fragicap grows in brittle clumps on or near dead wood. *Marasmiellus ramealis Twig Parachute is commonly found on bramble stems. Several other gasteroid fungi which have spores developing in closed fruiting bodies have been recorded in the park:- Scleroderma verrucosum Scaly Earthball. Phallus impudicus Stinkhorn. Calvatia gigantea Giant Puffball. Lycoperdon perlatum Common Puffball. Scleroderma areolatum Leopard Earthball. *Scleroderma citrinum Common Earthball. Essex Parks: Section 2 - Hylands Park 147