Fungi from Hylands Park Marasmius oreades Fairy Ring Parachute. Psilocybe semilanceata Magic Mushroom which is toxic and hallucinogenic. *Claviceps purpurea Ergot is an ascomycete which is parasitic on grasses and causes ergotism. Two large cup fungi have been identified: - Peziza vesiculosa Blistered Elfcap is found on old straw bales and manure. Aleuria aurantia Orange Peel Elfcap grows in grass or on bare soil. The remaining species arc saprophytic and grow on soil or in grass or amongst leaf litter. These include:- Coprinus comatus Shaggy Inkcap. Coprinus picaceus Magpie Inkcap is usually found in woodland. Macrolepiota rhacodes var rhacodes Wood Parasol is also a woodland species especially under conifers. Stropharia caerulea Blue Roundhead is a small, often greenish species with a viscid cap found in disturbed places. Lyophyllum decastes Clustered Bonny grows in clumps on the ground in open woodlands. Lacrymaria lacrymabunda Weeping Widow often has droplets on its gill edges. Lepiota cristata Stinking Parasol grows in leaf litter and has a strong unpleasant smell. Clavinulopsis cinerioides is an unusual pinkish-grey spindle fungus. Agaricus sylvicola Wood Mushroom is a yellowing species found on (he ground in woodland. Agaricus impudicus is an unchanging species found in woodland. Agaricus sylvaticus Flocked Wood Mushroom turns red on cutting and usually grows under conifers. Macrocystidia cucumis Cucumber Cap has a strong smell more like putty than cucumbers. Melanoleuca melaleuca belongs to an easy genus to identify but the species are more difficult to be sure of. Clitocybe geotropa Umbonate Funnel grows in woodlands. Clitocybe nebularis Clouded Funnel is very common. Lepista nuda Wood Blewit is a lovely violet colour. Lepista inversa Tawny Funnel Cap is very common. Psathyrella tephrophylla is an under recorded member of the genus. This is probably a first record for Essex. *Agaricus campestris Field Mushroom. * Agaricus arvensis Horse Mushroom has a better flavour. * Agaricus xanthodermus Yellow Stainer however can cause stomach upsets. *Gymnopus (=Collybia) confluens Clustered Toughshank grows in tufts or rings in leaf litter. *Rhodocollybia (=Collybia) butyracea Butter Toughshank also grows in leaf litter and has a greasy cap. *Calocybe gambosa St George's Mushroom occurs in Spring. *Macrolepiota procera Parasol is probably the largest British toadstool. The survey is as yet incomplete but already shows that Hylands Park is a rich site for fungi in Essex. One Red Data Book species has been recorded and several uncommon ones have been found. The lawns have proved to be a site of local importance for waxcaps and should be conserved. Many of the specimens that I identified were collected by Mark Hanson, and additional records were made by S. Wilkinson, and are marked with an asterisk. I have tried to use the latest scientific names, some of which may be unfamiliar, as may be the common names, which have recently been suggested by the British Mycological Society. 150 Essex Parks: Section 2 - Hylands Park