Amphibians and Reptiles Recorders: M.W.Hanson, Pam Wilson, Peter Wilson Records: 2000 - 2003 The commonest member of tins group at Hylands would seem to be the Great Crested Newt. I have records from Home Farm, lce-House, Pigeon. Lake Field, Ephemeral. Spring and Swan Ponds. At the latter three ponds, young have been recorded. In all probability it is even more widespread titan this and would occur in many of the other ponds. I have only ever seen three Frogs in the park - one at the Writtle End and a mating pair in the small pond in the formal gardens. This pond has occasionally had spawn from garden ponds added to it. I also have only one record of the Common Toad - a single large individual found under decaying vegetable matter under the Smoke Bush in the formal gardens. The Smooth Newt has been recorded little more frequently, including in the formal gardens area. The Common Lizard has been noted from the kitchen garden (four in number) and from the southern part of the park, five (including juveniles) were seen basking on a dead oak stump. Adders have been reported from the southern part of the park and the kitchen garden (but not as far as I am aware 2000 - 2003). Grass snakes are regularly reported, particularly and appropriately from the vicinity of the Serpentine Lake. I have also disturbed an individual basking on a fallen tree trunk in the formal gardens area. Species Recorded Common Frog - Rana temporaria Common Toad - Bufo bufo Smooth Newt - Triturus vulgaris Great Crested Newt - Triturus cristatus Common Lizard - Lacerta vivipara Grass Snake - Natrix natrix Common Lizard Adder - Vipera berus Essex Parks: Section 2 - Hylands Park 151