Mammals Recorders: Alf Gudgion, M.W.Hanson, John Dobson, Sheila McDonald, Liz Appleton Records: 2000 - 2003 Hylands is an outstanding site for mammals in Essex. Over the recording period 2000 - 2003. 28 species were recorded. If one includes a record of Leisler's Bat found just outside the boundary' of Hylands in 1995 at Chandler's Builders Merchant, then a total of 29 species of mammal have been recorded. Historically the Red Squirrel occurred at Hylands; one is mentioned on a game-keeper's gibbet in 1879, but sadly this species is now extinct in Essex. There are no records of House Mouse, but with all the utility buildings (including larders and kitchens) and a working stable block, I suspect that this species would have been recorded here. Hedgehog Seemingly rather infrequent. I have records from the formal gardens and road-kills on the A414 London Road. Bats If one admits the record of Leisler's Bat from just over the boundary of Hylands in April 1995, then seven bat species are known from the park. Brown Long-eared Bats have been found in several buildings, including the Home Farm barn and stable block. Their roosts are characterised by piles of Noctuid moth wings (at Hylands including Silver Y, Large Yellow Underwing and Copper Underwing, plus a single set of wings from an Old Lady Moth). This species was recorded in 2001 and 2002. A late evening field visit in July 2002 in the vicinity of the Serpentine Lake and the formal gardens produced records of Daubenton's Bat and both species of Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus) separated by their echo-locating frequencies at 46 kHz and 55 kHz. All three species were recorded in the vicinity of the Serpentine Lake. P. pygmaeus has also been recorded from Roman Walk and in the formal gardens. The large Noctule was recorded from Hylands in May 1991 and was also noted in 2002. Serotine, another large bat, was noted in the Writtle Belt and Writtle Drive area in May 1985 and here again in July 2001. Small Mammals A small mammal survey was undertaken in the park in October 2002. Thirty Longworth and two Jayne, Jar type flap traps were used to sample the small mammal population in the Home Farm and overgrown Kitchen Garden. The survey over two days involved inspecting the traps once in the morning and again in the evening. From 128 traps set, 64 small mammals were recorded. As is usual, it is obvious the same small mammal was re-captured occasionally, but the session produced Wood Mouse (25) Bank Vole (21) and Yellow-necked Mouse (8). These three species were common to both sites, but the Kitchen Garden also produced records of Common Shrew, Pygmy Shrew, Field Vole and Harvest Mouse. Interestingly Yellow-necked Mice proved to be more frequent in the well-wooded Home Farm area than Wood Mouse - the reverse being true in the Kitchen Garden. Yellow-necked mice are sometimes recorded in the stable block in autumn. Essex Parks: Section 2 - Hylands Park 155