Pests and Pathogens There is quite an extensive list of 'weed' plant species recorded in the formal gardens: Aegopodium podagraria Alopecurus myosuroides Anagallis arvensis Capsella bursa pastoris (Chenopodium album Chenopodium polyspermum Cirsium arvense Cirsium vulgare Conium maculatum Coronopus didymus Coronopus squamatus Epilobium hirsutum Epilobium tetragonum Euphorbia helioscopa Euphorb ia peplus Fumaria officinalis Galium aparine Lamium amplexicaule Lamium purpureum Lapsana communis Myosotis arvensis Papaver rhoeas Papaver somnifereum Picris echioides Plantago major Poa annua Polygonum aviculare Poygonum Persicaria Ranunculus repens Rumex crispus Sagina procumbens Sambucus nigra Senecio jacobaea Senecio vulgaris Sonchus oleraceus Stellaria media Thlaspi arvense Urtica dioica Urtica urens Veronica arvensis Veronica chamaedrys Veronica persica Within the park rabbits arc controlled - the numbers being kept down to acceptable levels. At one time I suspect (from anecdotal evidence and from the amount of rabbit-proof fencing) it was a serious pest. Myxamatosis is probably present in the park; a rabbit with the symptoms of the disease was seen near the main gate. Moles are abundant in the park and the mole-hills are harrowed-out in the spring, before grass cutting in the wider park can commence. Moles are rarely controlled in the formal gardens area. Grey Squirrels arc common in the park, noticeably in the formal gardens, where they raid the rubbish bins; there have been squirrel culls in the distant past. Brown Rat is w idespread, but not common in the park. Foxes are probably not uncommon. Fallow Deer and Muntjac, the former at Hylands in some numbers at night, although regarded as a 'menace' elsewhere in Essex, do not seem to cause extensive problems, although both species are recorded in the formal gardens and do eat cultivated plants (including bedding plants). Deer (it is not known which species) eat the flowering spikes of Twayblade orchids in South Wood and may affect the long-term regeneration capabilities of this and other species. Deer may possibly raid the litter bins in Writtle Car Park (at night), along with Crow, Magpie and Grey Squirrel. 160 Essex Parks: Section 2 - Hylands Park