For those of you who have computer access, I have posted a large map showing the numbers of taxa that we have recorded for each 1km square. This took ages to compile, but Bob Ellis (BSBI) came to the rescue with a program to work them out for us. Unfortunately the entire dataset for TL70 has been lost (I never received it), so if anyone would like to adopt some or all of the 1km squares for that hectad they could make a great contribution for one of our most important areas. To give some idea, it takes around 5-10years to adequately record the 100x1km sqs. in a hectad! In north Essex there are still numerous monad (lxlkm sq.) gaps. If anyone would like to adopt one or more of them and try and get each total up to 200-250 taxa please let me know. In south Essex the situation is more dire, several hectads have not been tackled at all, despite them being allocated at the time of the BSBI Monitoring scheme project, and it is a sobering thought that at the age of 71 I may not now live to see the publication of the 3rd Flora of Essex unless we can mobilise the county's botanists for an almighty last effort. Having said that, Mary Smith has made a fantastic effort in south Essex, particularly on TQ58, and she is now well into TQ57 and TQ59. And Graham Smith has also covered a large chunk of south Essex monads. You will find that on the Essex Botany Group website I am gradually writing up each draft species account plus our records, with maps. Initially I am concentrating on rare and scarce species, as the maps for the commoner species are too incomplete as yet to make it worthwhile posting them. So far I have completed the Stoneworts, Bog Mosses, Club Mosses, Horsetails and the Ferns. Can you all please go through those Fern species I have posted and see if you can add/correct any new records or updates/more- detail for records I already have by the end of May. Tim Pyner and I are working on the True Moss and Liverwort accounts/records and these will be posted this year. We are concentrating on these for the National Bryophyte Atlas update - closing date the end of the year! You will also find that under flowering plants there are quite a lot of species entries already with status accounts, records, maps and photographs. I add/ correct/modify something every day! So keep looking! And please let's have lots of feedback. For those of you without your own computer (you will need broadband!) go to your local library and log in on one of their computers. They will show you how. The pages and files are printable, so you can print off pages to study them in more detail. Simply go to print current page. In addition to the embryonic flora there is a 'Hot News' site for photos of new/rare species, and a 'Ken's Keys' site with illustrated keys to some of the difficult plant groups. To get onto the website type in and then click on 'Recorders', then 'Essex' and then click on '3rd Flora of Essex'. At the bottom of that screen you will find the buttons for the various plant groups. Once you have the site up on your screen go to your Favourites tab and do an 'add favourite' changing the name to something simple like 'Botany Group' and you will then be able to call it up anytime you want to. I shall also be sending round each month from now on, paper copies of write ups of several species at a time for additions/corrections. Please get out there in the fresh air and gets those records in the bag! 20 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 62, May 2010