MapMate records If you are using MapMate for your biological records, then please send these on regular occasions using the MapMate synchronisation process. If the County Recorder MapMate details are not listed, please contact your County Recorder to find out whether they are able to receive records in this form or you can send your MapMate records to Peter Harvey (cuk 2gv and email, who will forward them on. Current details for County Recorders who are definitely able to receive MapMate sync records are as follows, but at least 7 more are or will be using MapMate and may be able and willing to receive records in this way: County Recorder MapMate Email Taxonomic groups CUK David Allen 8ny Lepidoptera Tony Boniface 6qf Fungi Tim Gardiner 3kb Orthoptera Peter Hammond 6q2 Coleoptera Neil Harvey 2hb Larger Brachycera Peter Harvey 2gv Arachnida, Hymenoptera, Isopoda Jon Cranfield 6g5 or Reptiles and amphibians Del Smith 6bc Diptera (except hoverflies and larger Brachycera) Simon Taylor 9gb Mollusca ESSEX FIELD CLUB PUBLICATIONS The following publications are available from John Bath, 34 Chestnut Avenue. Billericay, Essex, CM12 9JF, or they may be ordered on-line at All tides are available to individuals on a cash with order basis. If ordering by post, please add £1 per book, 30p per newsletter to cover p.&p. Field Club notelets are marketed in packets often, two of each design, together with envelopes. They are on sale at Field Club Meetings at £1.00 per packet or by post for £1 + 75p to cover p. &p. The Clay Tobacco-pipe in Britain by L.S.Harley. 51 page paperback covering the history and identification of these pipes. Special attention is given to pipes made in Essex and East Anglia. ISBN 0 905637 OO 3 (second edition 1976) PRICE £2.50. Essex Parks by Mark Hanson and others. 2004. 192 pages with 8 pages of colour plates. The book details the history and wildlife of Essex parks with chapters on the history of parks in Essex, buildings and other structures in parks, the great Oaks, grazing animals, birds, fungi, beetles, flies, spiders, mosses, lichens and many other groups. There are lists of landscapers and the cultivated trees, shrubs and plants found in the parks of Essex. ISBN 0 905637 17 8. £12.50 reduced to £9.00 for Essex Field Club members THE ESSEX NATURALIST NEW SERIES No. 1. Deer of Essex by Dr Donald Chapman. 1977. A 50 page paperback describing the distribution and history of deer in Essex. Photographs, maps, etc. ISBN 0 905637 06 2. PRICE £2.00 No. 3. Tiptree Heath - its history and natural history by Laurie Forsyth. 1978. A 19 page booklet describing the most important heathland habitat in Essex. ISBN 0 905637 08 9. PRICE 60p. No. 5. The Essex Field Club - the first 100 years by L. S. Harley. 1980. A 21 page booklet describing the history of the Club on the occasion of its centenary. Photographs. ISBN 0 905637 10 0. PRICE £1.00 24 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 62, May 2010