No. 6. The Smaller Moths of Essex by A. M. Emmet. 1981. The most detailed account of the smaller moths ths ever published for any British county. Distribution maps and details of over 1000 species. Illustrations of representative moths in each major group. ISBN 0 905637 119. PRICE £5.00 (reduced from £7.00). No. 7. Lords Bushes by M.W. Hanson. 1983. The history and ecology of an Epping Forest woodland. 69 pp. paperback with 8 pp. of photographs and additional line drawings. ISBN 0 905637 12 7. PRICE £3.00 No. S. The Larger Moths and Butterflies of Essex by A. M. Emmet and G.A. Pyman. 19S5. The companion volume to No. 6. Distribution maps for every species and a complete analysis of the changing butterfly and moth fauna of Essex. ISBN 0 905637 13 5. PRICE £6.00 (reduced from £9.00). Volume 6 and 8 are available together for £9.00 post free. No. 9. The Dragonflies of Essex by Dr Edward Benton. 1988. Avery comprehensive and readable account of the county dragonfly fauna. It includes the results of a recent county-wide survey and much historical information. ISBN 0 905637 143 (published 1988) PRICE £5.95 No. 10. Essex Elm by M. W. Hanson. 1990. Elms were devastated by Dutch Elm disease. In this booklet Mark Hanson examines the role of elms in the landscape and their uses, and also gives an up-to-date account of their status in Essex today. 87 pages, 19 photographs, maps and illustrations. ISBN 0 905637 15 1. PRICE £3.95 No. 11. Epping Forest- through the eye of the naturalist edited by M. W. Hanson. 1992.Abook chronicling the complex land-use history of Essex's most famous Forest with modern accounts of its flora and fauna. ISBN 0 905637 16 X. PRICE £10 No. 12 Essex Naturalist No 12 (New series) - Journal edited by M. W. Hanson. 1995. ISSN 0071-1489. PRICE £5 No. 13. Essex Naturalist No 13 (New series)-Journal edited by P. R.Harvey & CW. Plant. 1996. ISSN 0071-1489. PRICE £5 No. 14. Essex Naturalist No 14 (New series) - Journal edited by CW. Plant.1997. ISSN 0071-1489. PRICE £5 No. 15. Essex Naturalist No 15 (New series) - Journal edited by CW. Plant. 1998. ISSN 0071-1489. PRICE £5 No. 16. Essex Naturalist No 16 (New series) - Journal edited by K. Adams, P. Allen, J. Dagley, C. Gibson, P.R.Harvey. 1999. ISSN 0071-1489. PRICE £10 No. 17. Essex Naturalist No 17 (New series) - Journal edited by K.Adams, P.Allen, J.Dagley, C.Gibson, P.R.Harvey. 2000. ISSN 0071-1489. PRICE £10 No. 18. Essex Naturalist No 18 (New series) - Journal edited by K.Adams, P.Allen, J.Dagley, C.Gibson, P.R.IIarvey. 2001. ISSN 0071-1489. PRICE £10 No. 19. Essex Naturalist No 19 (New series) - Journal edited by K.Adams, P.Allen, J.Dagley, C. Gibson, P.R.Harvey. 2002. ISSN 0071-1489. PRICE £10 No. 20. Essex Naturalist No 20 (New scries) - Journal edited by K. Adams, P. Allen, J.Dagley, T. Gardiner, C.Gibson, P.R.Harvey. 2003. ISSN 0071-1489. PRICE £10 No. 21. Essex Naturalist No 21 (New series) - Journal edited by K.Adams, P. Allen, J.Dagley, T. Gardiner, W.George, C.Gibson, P.R.IIarvey. 2004. ISSN 0071-1489. PRICE £10 No. 22. Essex Naturalist No 22 (New series) -Journal edited by K.Adams, T.Gardiner, W.George, C Gibson, P.R.Harvey, A.Knowles. 2005. ISSN 0071-1489. PRICE £10 No. 23. Essex Naturalist No 23 (New series) -Journal edited by T.Gardiner, W.George, C.Gibson, P.R.Harvey, A.Knowles. 2006. ISSN 0071-1489. PRICE £10 No. 24. Essex Naturalist No 24 (New series) -Journal edited by K.Adams, T.Gardiner, W.George, C Gibson, P.R.Harvey, A.Knowles. 2007. ISSN 0071-1489. PRICE £10 No. 25. Essex Naturalist No 25 (New series) -Journal edited by K.Adams, T.Gardiner, W.George, C Gibson, P.R.Harvey, A.Knowles. 2008. ISSN 0071-1489. PRICE £10 No. 26. Essex Naturalist No 26 (New series) - Journal edited by K. Adams, S.Buell, T.Gardiner, W. George, C.Gibson, P.R.Harvey, A.Knowles. 2009. ISSN 0071-1489. PRICE £10 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 62, May 2010 25