3 Recorders and others and an account of the geology of the Thames, a history of stranding of cetaceans along the coast a major contribution on the distribution of ants in the county and a report on the third Essex Flora and the BSBI Atlas 2000 Project. The Club expresses its gratitude to the editors, Colin Plant (Essex Naturalist) and Peter Harvey (Newsletter). Sadly Colin will not be able to continue as editor of the Naturalist. The Field Club is indebted to Colin for presenting the Naturalist at its present high scientific standard. THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB Income and expenditure Account Year ended 31st December 1998 1998 1997 Income e £ £ Subscriptions -1997 17.50 1473.00 -1998 1607.80 462.50 -1999 172.50 Publications 528.59 585.18 Interest 2310.21 895.69 Refreshments 15.10 4.00 Donations 47.50 49.00 Saleofnotelets 34.00 9.00 Legacy 21642.94 4733.20 25121.31 Expenditure Essex Naturalist 1775.00 4296.00 Programme cards 86.00 138.00 Newsletter 325.00 207.23 Postage & telephone 459.55 250.51 Hire of halls 195.00 139.80 Donations & subscriptions 27.00 26.00 Stationery 148.46 32.23 Publications sales costs 58.52 45.93 Insurance 48.60 46.20 3123.13 5181.90 Excess of Income over Expenditure 1610.07 19939.41 Essex Naturalist (New Series) 16 (1999)