34 The following records have been added to (the Vice County Check Lists for Vcl8 & 19 since publication of the provisional list and the 1996-1998 supplement (Adams, 1996 & 1998. In Post 1974 additions to the Bryophyte and Higher Plant floras of the Watsonian vice-Counties of North (Vcl9) and South (Vcl8) Essex. In Essex Naturalist 13: 34-42 199 & 15: 56. 19 Racomitrium fasciculare - Stansted, St John's churchyard, abundant on roof with Racomitrium heterostichum and Racomitrium lanuginosum. Tim Pyner 1998. 18 * Didymodon (Barbula) nicholsonii - Buckhurst Hill, St John's churchyard, on tarmac and gravel paths. Tim Pyner 1998. An updated total Bryophyte Check List for the Essex vice-Counties is now available from the new Census Catalogue (Blockeel & Long 1998), together with the extensive name changes that have become necessary to bring the nomenclature of the British & Irish list up to date. Reference BLOCKEEL, T.L. & LONG, D.G., 1998. A Check List and Census Catalogue of British and Irish Bryophytes British Bryological Society. Cardiff. Bats in Essex in 1998 JOHN DOBSON 16, Westerings, Bicknacre, Danbury, Essex CMS 4ND The highlights of 1998 included the record counts at hibernation sites in Grays and Coggeshall, which have been monitored for several years. Bunkers in Coggeshall that were originally constructed during the Second World War, have been successfully adapted for bats, with the provision of wintering crevices using bat bricks and two metre lengths of tree trunk. Counts have been conducted on four occasions during the winter, with the following results: _______________Natterer's_____Daubenton's______Brown long-eared______Total 12/12/95_________6______________1_________________9______________16 02/02/96_________3______________1_________________10______________14 31/01/96_________7______________1_________________10______________18 26/02/96 5 6 11 10/12/96 8 9 17 02/01/97_________16_______________________________15______________31 04/02/97_________10_____________1_________________16_____________27 05/03/97 | 5 1 8 14 12/12/97 9 1 15 25 02/01/98_________11_______________________________20______________31 02/02/98_________15_______________________________18______________33 20/02/98_________7______________2_________________14_____________23 Essex Naturalist (New Series) 16 (1999)