53 Two areas either side of the Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation, very close to Maldon, are the Ironworks Meadow to the south, and Causeway Meadow to the north. Between them, they support the follow ing: Metrioptera roeselii Tetrix subulata Conocephalus dorsalis Tetrix undulata Leptophyes punctatissima Chorthippus albomarginatus Further investigation would probably reveal a further five species to be present. A brief summary follows of the more interesting new species records from 1997 and 1998: Roesel's bush-cricket Metrioptera roeselii At the time Grasshoppers and Crickets of Essex went to press, there was only one 10km record in the north-wast of the county. For some time now. this insect has been extending its range steadily, particularly in southern England. In 1998, it was found in five new 10km squares by- John Widgery (TL42 -Berden; TL53 - Howlett End; TL63 - Radwinter; TL73 - Stambourne; TL74 - Birdbrook) and one new 5km locality (TL84 - Bulmer). Long-winged conehead Conocephalus discolor The speed at which this insect has spread out from its former stronghold in the New Forest and South Coast area since the early 1990s is remarkable. It has been found all over neighboring Hertfordshire, but records for Essex are sparse, no doubt due to under-recording. Recent sightings, all new 10km records, are: TQ38 - Three Mills, Essex Filter Beds and Walthamstow Marsh; TQ49 - Whitehouse Plain. Epping Forest; TQ79 - Hanningfield Reservoir; TL83 - Alphamstone. Great green bush-cricket Tettigonia viridissima The current distribution in Essex shows this species to be mainly coastal. A new 10km sighting at Little Baddow (TL70) is the furthest inland record for the county. Slender groundhopper Tetrix subulata New 10km records for this widespread but local insect are: TQ38 - Essex Filter Beds and Walthamstow Marsh; TM01 - Fingringhoe Wick: TL80 - Ironworks Meadow, Maldon. Common groundhopper Tetrix undulata Another widespread but local species, with new 10km records from: TQ38 - Essex Filter Beds and Walthamstow Marsh; TL80 - Ironworks Meadow, Maldon Common green grasshopper Omocestus viridulus A very local insect in Essex, belying its English name, one new 10km record came from the new Basildon Rugby Club site (TQ68). House cricket Achela domesticus An introduced species, the house cricket has declined in numbers since the demise of the warm, rather dirty Victorian buildings which it oflen inhabited. A new 10km record came from Tiptree (TL81). Essex Naturalist (New Series) 16 (1999)