72 (Holzel, pers. comm.) and records since then, all listed above, refer to single specimens. Greve (op. cit.) considered the species rare in Norway. It is regarded as Endangered in Switzerland (Duelli, op. cit.) and in Germany (Ohm, 1984). Current evidence suggests that it should also be regarded as Endangered in Britain. In the last twelve years I have examined in excess of 25,000 green lacewings from many of the Rothamsted Insect Survey light-traps stationed the length and breadth of Britain (plus one from Ireland) and have never encountered any examples of this species. Although its ecology is unknown, me fact that it may genuinely only be at a single British site makes it exceptionally vulnerable to changes in woodland management. There is a clear and urgent need to establish for certain whether or not Eastend Wood really is the only British site. Readers of this journal (particularly those who operate moth traps in Essex woodlands) are invited to collect and send to me all of the green lacewings which they may encounter anywhere in Britain - but especially Essex. If other sites are discovered, it may be possible, using modern computer technology, to learn something of the Essex Lacewing's ecological requirements by identifying similarities between recorded sites and differences between these sites and those winch appear suitable to the human eye but winch apparently do not have the lacewing. References ASPOCK, H., ASPOCK, (J. & HO] ,ZE].. H., 1980. Die Neuroptern Europas. Goeke & Evers: Krefeld. CANARD, M., CLOUPEAU, R. & LERAUT, P., 1998. Les Chrysopes du genre Nineta Navis, 11912, en France (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae). Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France. 103: 327-336. DEVETAK, D., 1984. Megaloptera, Raphidioptera and Planipennia in Slovenia. Neuroptera International 3:79-87. DUELLI, P., 1994. Rote Liste der gefahrdeten Netzfluger der Sohweiz. In: Duelli, P. (Ed.) Rote Listen der gefahrdeten Tierarten der Schweiz. p. 64-65. Bundesamt fur Unwelt, Wald und Landschaft, BUWAL- Reihe Rote Listen, EDMZ, Bern, Schweiz. GREVE, L., 1985. Nineta inpunctata (Reuter, 1894) in Norway (Planipennia, Chrysopidae). Neuroptera International. 3: 139-141. OHM, P., 1984. Rote Liste der Netzfluger (Neuroptera). In: Blab, J., Nowak, E., Trautmann, W. & Sukopp. H. (Eds) Rote Liste der gefdhrdeten Here und Pflanzen in der Bundesrepuhlik Deutschland. Kilda Verlag: Greven. PLANT, C. W., 1996. Nineta inpunctata (Reuter, 1894) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae): a green lacewing new to Britain. Entomologist's Gazette 47: 115-120. PLANT, C. W., 1997. A key to the adults of British lacewings and their allies (Neuroptera, Megaloptera. Raphidioptera and Mecoptera. Field Studies 9: 179 - 269. Reprinted 1997 as a separate volume in the AIDGAP series by the Field Studies Council. SCHMITZ, O., 1993. Dic Nctztliigcr (Neuroptera s.l.) des Naturschutzgcbictcs "Ahrschleife bei Altenahr" und angrenzender Wicnbcrgsbrachflachcn. Beitr. Landespjl. Rheinland-Pfalz 16: 429-444. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 16 (1999)