98 Acknowledgements The author is heavily indebted to David Bridgland, Jim Rose. Colin Whiteman. Allan Cheshire and Phil Gibbard for the material used in this review and for so very many discussions in the field. References ALLEN, P. (1998) The geological history of the Lower Thames in Essex a review. Essex Naturalist 15 (new series): 5-21. ALLEN, P., CHESHIRE, DA. and WHITEMAN, CA. (1991) The tills of southern East Anglia. In: Ehlers, J., Gibbard, P.L. and Rose, J. (eds), Glacial Deposits Great Britain and Ireland. Balkema, Rotterdam. Pp.255-278. BADEN-POWELL, D.F.W. (1948) The chalky boulder clays of Norfolk and Suffolk. Geological Magazine 85: 279-296. BAKER, CA. (1971) A contribution to the glacial stratigraphy of west Essex. Essex Naturalist 32: 317- 330. BOULTON. G.S. (1974) Processes and patterns of glacial erosion. In: Coates, D.R. (ed.). Glacial Geomorphology. Allen and Unwin, London. Pp. 11-87. BOWEN, D.Q. (ed.) (1999) A Revised Correlation of Quaternary Deposits in the British Isles. Geological Society Special Report. No. 23. Geological Society of London, London. 174pp. BRIDGLAND, D.R. (1988) The Pleistocene fluvial stratigraphy and palaeogeography of Essex. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 99: 291-314. BRIDGLAND, D.R. (1994) The Quaternary of the Thames. Geological Conservation Review Series. Joint Nature Conservation Committee'Chapman and Hall, London. 441pp. BRIDGLAND, D.R. (1995a) The Quaternary sequence of the eastern Thames basin: problems of correlation. In: Bridgland, D.R., Allen. P. and Haggart. BA. (eds), The Quaternary of the Lower Reaches of the Thames, field Guide. Quaternary Research Association, Durham. Pp. 35-52. BRIDGLAND. D.R. (1995b) Curry Farm, Bradwell; discussion. In: Bridgland, D.R., Allen. P. and Haggart B.A. (eds). The Quaternary of the Lower Reaches cf the Thames, Field Guide. Quaternary Research Association, Durham. Pp. 293-294. BRISTOW, CR. (1985) The Geology of the Country Around Chelmsford. Memoir for 1:50,000 Geological Sheet 241 (England and Wales). HMSO, London. 108pp. BRISTOW, CR. & COX, F.C. (1973) The Gipping Till: a reappraisal of East Anglian glacial stratigraphy. Journalofthe Geological Society of London 129: 1-37. CLARKE, M.R. (1975) The Sand and Gravel Resources of the Country East of Chelmsford, Essex. Description of 1:25,000 Resource Sheet TL70. Mineral Assessment Report, Institute of Geological Sciences, No. 13. HMSO, London. 105pp. CLARKE, M.R. & AMBROSE, LD. (1975) The Sand and Gravel Resources of the Country Around Braintree. Essex. Description of 1:25.000 Resource Sheet TL 72. Mineral Assessment Report. Institute of Geological Sciences, No. 16. HMSO, London. 111pp. CLAYTON, K.M. (1957a) Some aspects of the glacial deposits of Essex. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association (ft: 1-21. CLAYTON, K.M. (1957b) Field meeting at Danbury Hill, near Chelmsford. Essex. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 68: 22-25. CLAYTON. K.M. (1960) The landforms of parts of southern Essex. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 28: 55-74. DINES, H.G.& EDMUNDS, F.H. (1925) The Geology of the Country Around Romford. Memoir for 1:63,360 Geological Sheet 257. HMSO. London. 53pp. ELLISON, R.A. & LAKE, R.D. (1986) Geology of the Country Around Braintree. Memoir for 1:50,000 Geological Sheet 223. HMSO, London. 69pp. FRENCH, H.M. (1976) The Periglacial Environment. Longman, London. 309pp. FRENCH, W.J. & GREENSMITH, J.T. (1968) Pleistocene deposits at Billericay , Essex, with an appendix on temporary exposures at Rayleigh. Essex Naturalist 68: 163-174. GIBBARD, P.L. (1977) Pleistocene history of the Vale of St Albans. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, B 280: 445-483. GIBBARD, P.L. (1985) The Pleistocene History of the. Middle Thames Valley. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. GIBBARD, P.L. (1994) Pleistocene History of the Lower Thames Valley. Cambridge, Uivcrsity Press, Cambridge. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 16 (1999)