106 Alopecurus aequalis Orange Foxtail. Localised post 1930 records for Essex. Apart from a few sites in pools on marine alluvium, the pattern of distribution seems to follow the gravels of the ancient Thames in its sequence of channels across the county. TL(52)30 38,06 Post 1930 records: 19 .Nazeing Mead, post 1950. Alan Silverside, date? TQ(51)4 18 .Wanstead Park, edge of Heronry Pond, plentiful, 25 May 1960. K. J. Adams. 41 ,87 18 .Wanstead Park, Heronry Pond, 1983. Paul Ferris. 400,872 18 ditto. Abundant along joints in concrete floor lining & 411,872 18 of the almost dried up pond, & 413.872 18 in full flower with Rumex palustris, & 414,871 18 25 July 1992. & 415,871 18 Kenneth J Adams & Paul Ferris, .ditto 30 May 1997. Vivian Sieber. 413,872 18 .Heronry Pond, in broad swathe, rather stunted, all along the southern margin of the dried up pond and 414-5,871 18 in lines along cracks in the concrete nearer the centre, also in a Essex Naturalist (New Series) 16 (1999)