124 Acknowledgements The author would like to thank all those who have contributed records of cynipids and their galls over the past eighteen years and Peter Harvey for producing the maps using DMap (a computer mapping program developed by Dr A. Morton). References BAGNALL, R.S., 1931. Aulacidea andrei (Kieff.), a Cynipid (Hymenoptera) new to the British fauna. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 67: 243. BARBOTIN, F., 1972. Sur quelques Cynipinae - nouveaux cycles, nouvelles galles, nouvelles especes. Marcellia 37, Suppl.: 39-51. BOWDREY, J.P., 1992. Notes on Phanacis (Aylax) caulicola (Hedicke) (Hymenoptera : Cynipidae). Cecidology 7 (2): 42-46. BOWDREY, J.P., 1988. The Robin's Pincushion (Diplolepis rosae L.). A brief review and some notes on its distribution in Essex. Nature in North East Essex 1988: 26-29. BOWDREY, J.P., 1987 Oak galls of Essex. An identification guide and provisional atlas. Colchester, Colchester and Essex Museum 28pp. BOWDREY, J.P., 1985. Oak galls and their distribution in south east Essex. South Essex Naturalist 1982 & 1983: 32-44. BURKHILL, H.J., 1934. Plant gall records for 1933. London Naturalist for 1933: 99-102. CHTNERY, M., 1992. Diastrophus rubi - shy; but probably more common than records suggest. Cecidology 7 (2): 77. EADY, R.D. & QUINT, AN, J., 1963. Hymenoptera : Cynipoidea. Handbooks for the identification of British insects 8 (la). Royal Entomological Society. FITCH, E. A., 1882. The galls of Essex; A contribution to a list of the insect fauna of the County. Transactions cf the County of Essex Naturalists ' Field Club 2: 98-156. FITTON, M.G. et al., 1978. A check list of British insects Part 4. Hymenoptera. 2nd rev.ed. Royal Entomological Society. GIBSON, G.S.. 1862. The flora of Essex. Pamplin HARVEY, P., 1998. The modern distribution of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Essex with their regional rarity and threat status. Essex Naturalist (New Series) IS: 61-111. JERMYN. S.T., 1974. The flora of Essex. Essex Naturalist's Trust. KENT, D.H., 1992. List of the vascular plants of the British Isles. Botanical Society of the British Isles. LEWIS. E.J.. 1902. The oak galls and gall insects (Cynipidae) of Epping Forest. Part I. Essex Naturalist 12 267-286; LEWIS, E.J., 1904. The oak galls and gall insects (Cynipidae) of Epping Forest. Part 2. Descriptive and faunistic. Essex Naturalist 13: 138-174. NIBLETT, M., 1957. The gall wasps of the London area. London Naturalist 37: 126-135. NIBLETT, M., 1950. The Cynipid genus Aulacidea (Hymenoptera). London Naturalist 30: 8-10. NIBLETT, M., 1947. The species of Rhodites causing pea-galls on Rosa II. Entomologist 80: 121-127 NIBLETT, M., 1943. The Cynipid genus Rhodites. (Hymen.) Proceedings of the South London Entomologica! and Natural History Society 1943-4: 51-54. NIBLETT, M , 1939. Discovery of a new gall-wasp in Britain (Hymen, Cynipidae). Proc.REnt.Soc.Lond. Ser B 8 (3): 45-47. NIEVES-ALDREY, J.L., 1994. Revision of west-European Genera of the Tribe Aylacini Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae). J.IIym.Res. 3: 175-206. REDFERN. M. & ASKEW, R.R.,1992. Plant galls. Naturalists' Handbooks 17. Richmond Publishing. SWANTON,E.W., 1912. British plant galls. Methuen. TARPEY, T. & HEATH, J., 1990. Wildflowers of north east Essex. CNHS. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 16 (1999)