132 For many invertebrates including harvcstmcn there is not enough historical information at a county level to scientifically evaluate changes in status. No species of harvestmen would at present be included in a Threat category on the basis of a known decline. Species not assigned an Essex Threat status are assumed to be under no direct threat of severe decline or extinction in Essex at the present time or the county is not known to contain a significant proportion of the national populations of the species. Table 1: an alphabetical list of the species recorded in Essex with their rarity and threat statuses. Name National Essex rarity Essex threat status Habitat code ___________________________status status______________________________________________ Anelasmocephalus cambridgei Local Essex Scarce G(c),G(d) Dicranopalpus ramosus Local Essex Scarce Homalenotus quadridentatus Local Essex Local G(c),G(d) Lacinius ephippiatus Essex Common M Leiobunum blackwalli Essex Common S,W Leiobunum rotundum Essex Common S,W Lophopilio palpinalis Essex Local W(a) Megabunus diadema Essex Scarce Essex Threatened W(a) Mitopus morio Essex Common G,S Mitostoma chrysomelas Essex Local G(a),G(gr),M(p) Nelima gothica Local Essex Rare Essex Vulnerable Nemastoma bimaculatum Essex Ubiquitous G,S,W Oligolophus hanseni Local Essex Scarce Essex Threatened ELS Odiellus spinosus Local Essex Local R,U Oligolophus tridens Essex Common S,W Opilio parietinus Essex Scarce R,U Opilio saxatilis Essex Common D,G(a),G(d).I-LSd Paroligolophus agrestis Essex Ubiquitous G,H,S,W Paroligolophus meadii Local Essex Scarce D,G(a)fG(d),H Phalangium opilio Essex Common D,R,U;G(r) Rilaena triangularis Essex Ubiquitous S,G(r),W Habitat Codes D=dune G(u)=unimproved grassland SM=saltmarsh F=fen H=heathland SW=unimproved seawall G=grassland M=marsh TD=tidal drift G(a)=acid grassland M(p)=Phragmites marsh U=Urban habitats e.g. houses, gardens G(c)=calcareous grassland R=Ruderal habitats W=woodland G(d)=dry grassland S=scrub W(a)=ancient woodland G(gr)-grazing marsh grassland Sd-sand habitats W(d)=deciduous woodland G(r)-rough grassland SH—shingle W(c)=coniferised woodland Essex Naturalist (New Series) 16 (1999)