134 Mitostoma chrysomelas (Hermann) National status Common County status Essex Local Frequency Ratio 3.8 Tetrad Percentage 3.8 Tetrad Frequency 12.1 Monad Frequency 9.6 Distribution Recorded widely across the county in a variety of habitats but localised and much less frequent than N. bimaculatum. Habitat and Ecology Many records of the species have been from deciduous and coniferised woodland in leaf litter and at grass roots in woodland rides. The harvestman has also been recorded from grassland, especially at the base of tussocks in rough grassland, wet grassland, heath and acid grassland, at ground level in Phragmites and sedge marsh and in an old chalk quarry under stones and in pioneer vegetation. Records of adults are for most months Adults but peak during the early summer and autumn. Threats Not threatened. FAMILY TROGULIDAE Anelasmocephalus cambridgei (Westwood) National status Local County status Essex Scarce Frequency Ratio 1.1 Tetrad Percentage 0.9 Tetrad Frequency 2.9 Monad Frequency 2.4 Distribution This species has only been recorded in the north of the county and most records have resulted from pitfall trapping. Perhaps surprisingly it has not been found in the old chalk quarries of the Grays area. Habitat and Ecology Most modern records are from roadside verges or banks including a calcareous flower-rich verge in the north-west of the count)' but on sands and gravels in the north-east. There is one record from deep leaf litter in a deciduous wood near Copperas Bay (TM2031). Sankey (1988) and (Hillyard & Sankey (1989) both indicate the preference of this ground-living species for calcareous soils, in litter and moss, under logs and stones in rough grassland and woodland. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 16 (1999)