135 Records arc from most months of the year with peaks in the early summer and late autumn. Threats Adults The improvement or inappropriate management of grassland verges or their destruction by road widening schemes. FAMILY SCLEROSOMATIDAE Homalenotus quadridentatus (Cuvier) National status Local County status Essex Local Frequency Ratio 1.2 Tetrad Percentage 2.3 Tetrad Frequency 7.3 Monad Frequency 6.0 Distribution Widely but very locally distributed throughout the county. It may be under- recorded, especially in mid-Essex but suitable habitat is scarce. Habitat and Ecology A ground living species associated in Essex with old dry open rough grasslands, especially on scarps and banks. Several records are from roadside verge localities. Most records have been the result of grubbing in litter around the base of plants and by the use of pitfall traps. Adults have been recorded February-November but with a peak in early summer. Threats The loss of old grasslands to agricultural improvements and change of use to arabic; the loss of old grassland verges and banks to road widening and tree planting; the loss of open habitat through succession due to planting schemes or lack of management. FAMILY PHALANGIIDAE SUBFAMILY OLIGOLOPHINAE Oligolophus tridens (C.L.Koch) National states Common County status Essex Common Frequency Ratio 2.0 Tetrad Percentage 9.5 Tetrad Frequency 29.9 Monad Frequency 25.5 Essex Naturalist (New Series) 16 (1999)