136 Distribution Widely distributed and common in the county. Habitat and Ecology The species is common in grassland, scrub, woodland and marsh habitats. Sankey (1988) and Hillyard & Sankey (1989) note a preference for woodland ground or field layers and its habit of ascending low branches of tree trunks and bushes. Adults have been recorded in the late summer and autumn period from August- November. Threats Not threatened. Oligolophus hanseni (Kraepelin) National status Local County status Essex Rare Threat status Essex Endangered Frequency Ratio 1.0 Tetrad Percentage 0.1 Tetrad Frequency 0.3 Monad Frequency 0.2 Distribution Apparently very rare in the county, with only one post-1980 record from Thundersley Great Common made by the author in August 1988. The species was recorded in 1970-1971 by P.V. Hicks using pitfall traps at Fingringhoe Wick, High Grove (St. Osyth) and Clacton-on-Sea. Habitat and Ecology At Thundersley Great Common the Harvestman was found in grass/heather litter adjacent to mature gorse scrub and the Clacton-on-Sea records were from a garden. Sankey (1988) and Hillyard & Sankey (1989) note that the species is commoner in the north, adults occurring on the branches of trees and bushes with a preference for Scots pine. Essex records are for adults in August, October and November. Threats The only known post-1980 site has statutory protection as an SSSI but is vulnerable to amenity pressures. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 16 (1999)