137 Paroligolophus agrestis (Meade) National status Common County status Essex Ubiquitous Frequency Ratio 2.8 Tetrad Percentage 16.2 Tetrad Frequency 51.0 Monad Frequency 43.6 Distribution Widespread, frequent and often numerous. Habitat and Ecology The species is very common in grassland, scrub, woodland and marsh habitats at ground level and on scrab and trees. Adults are recorded August-March throughout the autumn and winter period with a peak in the autumn. Threats Not threatened. Adults JFMAMJJASOND Paroligolophus meadii (O.P.-C.) National status Local County status Essex Scarce Frequency Ratio 1.1 Tetrad Percentage 1.0 Tetrad Frequency 3.2 Monad Frequency 2.4 Distribution Very scarce in the county but often numerous where it does occur. Habitat and Ecology This species has been found in Essex on dunes, in grasslands on sands and gravels, acid grasslands and a grazing marsh grassland. Most have been old unimproved habitats but two sites arc old sand and gravel pits and one a landfill site. Despite this the species has not been found in other old sand pits. Adults have been recorded between August-March with the greatest numbers during late autumn and winter. Threats Whilst there are no direct threats to this species at present, there are potential concerns. Some sites are vulnerable to amenity pressures and excessive grassland management. Conversely the grassland habitat is vulnerable to lack of management to control scrub invasion and old sand and gravel pits are vulnerable to 'restoration' schemes or development. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 16 (1999)