139 Mitopus morio (Fabricius) National status Common County status Essex Common Frequence Ratio 1.8 Tetrad Percentage 7.2 Tetrad Frequency 22.6 Monad Frequency 19.0 Distribution Widely distributed but this harvestman docs not seem to be not especially frequent or abundant in Essex. Habitat and Ecology Most records arc from deciduous or mixed woodland habitats and rough herbage. Other habitats include long grass, an overgrown meadow, grazing marsh grassland, scrab, sedge. Typha and Equisetum marsh. Adults have been recorded between July and November. Threats Not threatened Adults SUBFAMILY PHALANGIINAE Phalangium opilio (Linnaeus) National status Common County status Essex Common Frequency Ratio 2.5 Tetrad Percentage 9.2 Tetrad Frequency 29.0 Monad Frequency 24.6 Distribution Widely distributed and numerous in suitable habitats. Probably very under- recorded in the large parts of Essex that contain little but arabic desert'. Habitat and Ecology Found in open semi-natural habitats such as grasslands, sea walls, landslips, heathland and dunes but also common in ruderal habitats and cultivated areas like old mineral workings, allotments, gardens and the edges of arable fields. Adults recorded from June to November peaking during August. Threats Not threatened Essex Naturalist (New Series) 16 (1999)