141 Megabunus diadema (Fabricius) Plate 16 National status Common County status Essex Scarce Threat status Essex Threatened Frequency Ratio 1.2 Tetrad Percentage 0.6 Tetrad Frequency 1.9 Monad Frequency 1.4 Distribution Extremely rare in scattered sites in the north of the county nearly always as singletons. Habitat and Ecology The species has been recorded from ancient woodlands, in well-rottcd leaf litter and on a lichen-covered oak trunk. Nationally it typically occurs in damp woodland, sometimes on lichen-covered tree trunks, rocks and heather and appears commoner in the wetter and upland parts of Britain (Sankey 1988; Hillyard & Sankey 1989). Its scarcity in Essex and restriction to damp woodlands in the north-west and north of the comity despite the county's large amount of ancient woodland is probably explained by the low rainfall, in south-east Essex the lowest in Britain. Adults have been recorded in May. Threats The species is threatened by degradation or loss of woodland habitat and the current evidence for climate changes suggests it will become generally threatened in south-eastern England. Rilaena triangularis (Herbst) National status Common County status Essex Ubiquitous Frequency Ratio 3.0 Tetrad Percentage 15.9 Tetrad Frequency 50.0 Monad Frequency 42.9 Distribution Common and frequent in the county. Habitat and Ecology Especially associated with the ground and field layers of woodland but also recorded in a wide range of other habitats including scrub, herbage, acid grassland, rough grassland, grazing marsh grassland, roadside verges, dunes and marshes. Adults are recorded from April to July with a peak in May-June. Threats Not threatened. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 16 (1999)