142 Lophopilio palpinalis (Herbst) National status Common County status Essex Local Frequency Ratio 1.2 Tetrad Percentage 3.7 Monad Frequency 11.8 Monad Frequency 9.2 Distribution Widely distributed but local in the county. Habitat and Ecology Most records arc from deciduous or mixed ancient woodland but also from rough grassland, marsh, wet heathland and sphagnum bog where this is inside or adjacent to woodland. There are additional records from a roadside verge at Mistley and a blackthorn thicket at Roding Meadows. Adults seem to mature later than most other species from August onwards, peaking in October with some surviving through the winter until February. Threats Not threatened. FMAMJ JASOND FAMILY LEIOBUNIDAE SUBFAMILY GYANTINAE Dicranopalpus ramosus (Simon) National status Local County status Essex Scarce Frequency Ratio 1.4 Tetrad Percentage 1.1 Monad Frequency 23.5 Monad Frequency 2.7 Distribution Scattered records across the county. Habitat and Ecology This species has been recorded from ivy, hedgerows, trees and leaf litter as well as on the side of buildings. It has been beaten off conifers, larch, gorse, sallow, and Shrubby Seablite. Adults have been recorded from August to November. Threats This introduced species has now reached Norwich (Newsletter of the Opiliones Recording Scheme No. 1 Nov. 1998). In Essex it is possibly spreading and presumed to be under no threat Essex Naturalist (New Series) 16 (1999)