New Charophyte (Stonewort) and Bryophyte records older stems much smaller and papillata-like. Antheridia, oogonia and ripe oospores present 17 Sept 1999. Found by Shirley & Charles Watson. [N.B. when grown on indoors in tap water (KJA) this material grew vigorously but lost its long spines, and the new shoots took on the morphology of classical Chara contraria, with knob-like spine cells arising only from the ridges. Thus, as in the case of the C. vulgaris s.s. 'varieties' var. contraria and var. hispidula cannot be separate genetically defined varieties and are simply environmentally induced ecomorphs of the same taxon.] Chara globularis var. globularis TL(52)51 536,128 19 Matching, new reservoir at Parvilles, with C. vulgaris. 21 August 1999. Shirley & Charles Watson. 592,179 19 Great Canfield, farm pond. 25 August 1999. Shirley & Charles Watson. TL(52)60 629,076 19 Skreens Park lake, off south bank, degenerating. 12 September 1999. Martin Heywood. Nitella opaca/flexilis TQ(51)49 423,978 18 Epping Forest, material of this complex reported in quantity in the Lost Pond, on the south side, following recent excavation of the delta area. No further details. August 1999. Amanda Samuels. Nitella opaca/flexilis TL(52)51 536,128 19 Matching, new farm reservoir at Parvilles, with Potamogeton crispus, P trichodes and Myriophyllum spicatum. Tatty, end of season material, rather dark and with short distinctly mucronate dactyls. Infertile. Probably N.opaca. 21 August 1999. Shirley & Charles Watson. Orthotrichum striatum TQ(51)58 516,858 18 Bryophytes Dagenham, The Chase N.R., on elder. 24 April 1999. Tim Pyner. Lophocolea semerites TL(52)91 983,125 19 Tollesbury, Old Hall Marshes, frequent on leaf litter and amongst Sphagnum on top of reed bed 'hover1 over brackish water. 17 October 1998. Tim Pyner. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 17 (2000)