76 Essex Mammals in 1999 To date, the Harvest Mouse has been recorded in nearly 30% of Essex tetrads. Perhaps wc should revise our view on the status of this species. Rather than being scarce and declining (as was concluded for some areas of the country from the Mammal Society survey of 1996), in Essex the Harvest Mouse would appear to be one of our most widespread mammals. Harvest mouse Cetaceans The inclusion of the Harbour Porpoise Phocoena phocoena in the Essex Biodiversity Action Plan has been the catalyst for increased attention being paid to this group of mammals. Gillian Thompson, recently Biodiversity Officer of the Essex Wildlife Trust, made contact with sailing and fishing organisations, asking for all sightings of cetaceans to be reported. Although the identification may be in doubt in several cases, sixteen sightings of Porpoise were reported from several areas of the coast including Harwich, Walton, Heybridge and Tilbury. Stranded individuals were found at Harwich, Walton and Pewit Island. Of other species, a young Minke Whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata was stranded at Holland Haven on 9th March, with another reported at sea in the same area four days later. An interesting, unconfirmed report was of around 100 White-beaked Dolphins Lagenorhyncus albirostris seen from a ferry fourteen miles from Harwich early in the year. Finally, 10-12 Bottle-nosed Dolphins Tursiops truncatus were reported by the Marine Police off Shoebury on 15th October. Although, in many cases, the records are unconfirmed, they are included as a stimulus to birdwatchers and other observers to be aware of the potential of the Essex coast for the recording of cetaceans. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 17 (2000)