Freshwater Invertebrate Report 1998/2000 79 Lymnaea peregra Planorbidae Planorbarius corneus Planorbis planorbis CRUSTACEA 3 species Gammaridae Gammarus pulex Asellidae Asellus aquaticus Daphnidae Daphnia magna Galleywood Common Field Meeting 16 April 2000 One day in April when it didn't rain saw a small group equipped for business at Galleywood Common LNR to sample ponds. The first pond (TL703028) is a small scmi-pcrmancnt pond with pH of 5.5 (measured with paper indicators). It is on the edge of an area of recently restored lowland heath. Smooth Newts and Common Frog were present. Sediment samples were taken with sweep nets. Species were later identified as follows: Hemiptera Gerris gibbifer Gerris lacustris Notonecta glauca Notonecta viridis Plea leachi Coleoptera Copelatus haemorrhoidalis Ephemeroptera Cloeon dipterum Trichoptera Limnephilus vittatus Odonata Ischnura elegans Diptera/Chironomidae Psectrotanypus varians Also collected but not identified were dragonfly and ceratopogonid larvae and Oligochaetes. The second pond (TL704024) is a larger permanent pond, again with a pH of 5.5. It is enclosed by in area of secondary woodland; Hemiptera Notonecta glauca Hydrometra stagnorum Hesperocorixa sahlbergi Coleoptera Copelatus haemorrhoidalis Essex Naturalist (New Series) 17 (2000)