90 Review of the Lepidoptera of Essex for 1999 Glyphipterigidae 0470 Orthotelia sparganella (Thunberg) Colchester, Ipswich Road 17 July (B. Goodey); Beaumont- cum-Moze, sometime in August (J.B. Fisher). First records from north-east Essex since 1911. Both at mercury vapour. 4DBR Coleophoridae 0520 Coleophora fuscicornis (Zeller) Dovercourt, Oakley Road 2 July (C. Gibson). Second specimen from garden. 4DBR 0556 C. trochilella (Duponchel) Dovercourt, Oakley Road 17 July, two (C. Gibson). 2DBR Oecophoridae 0650 Esperia oliviella (Fabricius) Colchester 17 July, netted at dusk whilst flying along an ivy-clad wall (B. Goodey). Probably an overlooked species. First VC19 record for over 100 years. 2DBR 0667 Semioscopis steinkellneriana (Denis & Schiffermuller) Thundersley, Starvelarks Wood 8 April TQ8188 (D.G. Down). Emmet (1981) cites one pre-1900 record from Benfleet and a 1976 record from Danbury, the only other VC 18 occurrences. 4DBR Gelechiidae 0724 Metzneria lappella (L.) Beaumont-cum-Moze, 26 July TM1725 (J.B. Fisher, confirm ed K.R. Tuck). This is the only confirmed record I have, though there are a few likely candidate specimens awaiting identification. 0749 Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier) Saffron Walden, 11 July (A.M. Emmet). A pest species which attacks stored grains of cereals and is unlikely to survive our climate for long. New to Essex 0764 Pseudotelphusa scalella (Scopoli) Theydon Bois, 6 June at mercury vapour (J.G. Green); Colchester, Friday Wood TM0020, 29 May, at rest on paling (B. Goodey). New to VC19. 2DBR 0776 Teleiopsis diffinis (Haworth) Dovercourt, Oakley Road 14 June and 16 July (C. Gibson). The only other record I have is Saffron Walden in 1997. 2DBR 0808 Platyhedra subcinerea (Haworth) Jaywick, adults February to May, larvae 4 July on Common Mallow Malva sylvestris and, more commonly, Tree Mallow Lavatera arborea, a new foodplant for the species (J. Young). New to VC19 Tortricidae 0957 Cochylidia heydeniana (Herrich-Schaffer) Dovercourt, Oakley Road 3 August, fifth record (C. Gibson and B. Goodey). The only other post-1990 site is Old Hall Marsh NR. 1061 Acleris literana (E.) Thundersley, Starvelarks Wood 8 April (D.C Down). The only other record I have is Theydon Bois, in 1998. 2DBR 1099 Endothenia marginana (Haworth) Dovercourt, Oakley Road 4 July (C. Gibson and B. Goodey). First north-east Essex record. Emmet, 1981 gives a number of fairly recent sites in VC18 but only one for VC19, at Newport near Saffron Walden in 1980. 1 DBR 1104 E. quadrimaculana (Haworth) Landermere TM2023, August (J.B. Fisher). 5DBR 1168 Gypsonoma sociana (Haworth) Dovercourt. 1 June, (C. Gibson and B. Goodey). The only other record I have is Frinton-on-Sea in 1997; Emmet (1981) describes the species as rare or under-recorded in the north, which is certainly still true. 11716 minutana (Hubncr) Dovercourt, Oakley Road 9 June, second example from here (C. Gibson). The only other Essex records date back to 1964. 1DBR 1204 Thiodonia citrana (Hiibner) Dovercourt, Oakley Road 14 July (C. Gibson); Jaywick, Midway 17 July (J. Young and B. Goodey). 6DBR Essex Naturalist (New Series) 17 (2000)