106 Fungi and the UK Biodiversity Action Plan varies. However, on balance, it would seem that the diversity and types of invertebrates found in most habitats is strongly influenced by the types of fungi present. Table 1: UK BAP fungi - a summary Species Species Priority SAP Conservation recorded BAP done Status in Essex species Amanita friabilis - RDB Armillaria ectypa - Yes Yes RDB Bankera fuligineoalba - Yes Yes* RDB Battarraea phalloides Yes Yes Yes RDB; S8 Boletopsis leucomelaena - Yes - RDB Boletus purpureas - RDB Boletus regius - Yes Yes RDB; S8 Boletus satanas Yes Yes Yes RDB Buglossoporus pulvinus Yes Yes Yes RDB; S8 Clavaria zollingeri - RDB Cortinarius praestans - RDB Geoglossum arenarium - RDB Gomphus clavatus Yes - RDB Haploprous odorus - RDB Hericium erinaceum Yes Yes Yes RDB; S8 Hydnellum aurantiacum Yes Yes Yes* RDB Hydnellum caeruleum - Yes Yes* RDB Hydnellum concrescens Yes Yes Yes* RDB Hydnellum ferrugineum Yes Yes Yes* RDB Hydnellum mirabile - Yes - RDB Hydnellum spongiosipes - Yes Yes* RDB Hydnellum peckii - Yes Yes* RDB Hydnellum scrobiculatum Yes Yes Yes* RDB Hygrocybe calyptriformis - Yes Yes RDB Hygrocybe spadicea - Yes Yes RDB Hypocreopis lichenoides - RDB Hypocreopis rhododendri - Yes Yes RDB Microglossum olivaceum - Yes Yes RDB Phellodon confluens - Yes Yes* RDB Phellodon melaleucus Yes Yes Yes* RDB Phellodon tomentosus Yes Yes Y'es* RDB Poronia punctata - Yes Yes RDB Ramariopsis pulchella - RDB Sarcodon glaucopus - - Yes* RDB Sarcodon fuligineo-violaceus - Yes - RDB Sarcodon imbricatus Yes Yes* RDB Sarcodon scabrosus - Yes Yes* RDB Squamanita schreieri - RDB Tricholoma colossus - RDB Tulostoma niveum - Yes Yes RDB Includes: whether the species have been recorded in Essex; whether or not they are a priority BAP species; whether a Species Action Plan (SAP) has been produced (* - one of the 14 threatened stipitate hydnoid fungi); and lists other conservation designations (S8 - listed on Schedule 8 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981; RDB = included on the provisional Red Data List for fungi (Ing 1992)). Fungi are also important in their own right. They contribute significantly to our overall biodiversity and add to the intrinsic value and of beauty of our countryside. Many species are rare and endangered, and require conservation action to ensure their survival. There are around 72,000 named fungi worldwide, Essex Naturalist (New Series) 17 (2000)