120 Utilisation of Molinia caerulea Tussocks by Overwintering Beetles at Epping Forest Acknowledgements The starting point for this work was Project RA84/01/MoIinia tussock sampling) in the Epping Forest Management Plan (April 1998, Corporation of London). This project was carried out as part of a BSc. Hon. degree in Ecology at the University of North London. I would like to thank; Dr B Giles, Dr. RR. Wiles and Peter Hammond for help and verification of identifications; Dr. J Dagley and Dr. A. Samuels for their time; Dr. M.L. Luff for useful comments and P & E.M. Swan for practical help with sampling. References BAUER, L.J. (1989) Moorland beetle communities on limestone habitat islands 2, Flight activity and its influence on Staphylinid diversity. Journal of Animal Ecology 58 : 1099 - 1113 DAGLEY J.R. & SAMUELS, A.S. (1999) Heathland restoration at Long Running, Epping Forest. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 16 : 59 - 72 DAWSON, N. (1965) A comparative study of the ecology of eight species of fenland Carabidae (Coleoptera). Journal of Animal Ecology 34 : 299 - 314 DENNIS, P., THOMAS, M.B. & SOTHERTON, N.W. (1994) Structural features of field boundaries which influence the overwintering densities of beneficial Arthropod predators. Journal of Applied Ecology 32 (1): 361 -370 EVANS, RD., RUSCOE, C.N.E. & TREHERNE, J.E. (1971) Observations on the biology and submergence behaviour of some littoral beetles. Journal of the Marine Biological Association. U.K. 51 : 375 - 386 GIMMINGHAM, CH. (1992) The Lowland Heath management handbook. English Nature, Peterborough HAMMOND, P.M. (1995) Coleoptera in Epping Forest. The Natural History Museum London, Unpublished report to English Nature and the Corporation of London. HAMMOND, P.M. (1998) Riparian and floodplain Arthropod assemblages, their characteristics and rapid assessment In. U.K. floodplains Eds. Baily, R.G, Jose, PV. & Sherwood, B.R. pp 237 - 282 Westbury Publishers HAMMOND, P.M. (1999) Coleoptera associated with Epping Forest ponds. Unpublished report to the Conservators of Epping Forest. HOLMES, P.R, FOWLES, A.P & BOYCE, D.C. (1993) The ground beetle (Coleoptera Carabidae) fauna of Welsh peatland biotopes, species assempledges in relation to peatland habitats and management Biological Conservation 65 (1): 61 - 67. JOY, N.H. (1932) A practical handbook of British beetles. H.F. & G. Witherby. LEATHER, S.R., WALTERS, K.F.A. & BALE, J.S. (1995) The ecology of insect overwintering. C.U.P LUFF, M.L. (1965) The abundance and diversity of the beetle fauna of grass tussocks. Journal of Animal Ecology 35: 189-208. LUFF, M..L. (1990) Pterostichus rhaeticus Heer. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 126:245 -249 MANSINGH, A. (1971) Physiological classification of dormancy in insects. Canadian Entomologist 103 : 983 - 1009. MURDOCH, W.W. (1966) Aspects of population dynamics of some marsh Carabidae. Journal of Animal Ecology 35: 127- 156. POPE, R.D. (1977) A Check List of British Insects. Royal Entomological Society. THIELE, H.U. (1977) Carabid beetles in their environments, a study of habitat selection by adaptations in physiology and behaviour. Springer - Verlag. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 17 (2000)