The Scarce Plants of Essex. Part 2. 153 marshes, grey dunes and sea walls. It also occurs, however, in non-brackish habitats, on dry banks and waste ground, in the short turf of grazed grassland between the sea walls and borrow dykes, and in maritime grazing marshes. It has a curious distribution in the U.K., being confined to England in an area coincident with July temperatures in excess of 16°C and with its main centres in areas with the highest summer temperatures; - along the Severn estuary, the Hampshire basin, around the Kent, Essex and Suffolk coasts, and with a few scattered sites along the coasts of Norfolk and Lincolnshire north to the Humber. It formerly occurred extensively inland but virtually all these sites are now gone, and it has also lost ground along the south coast and in Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambs. and Lines. In Essex however it seems to be maintaining its distribution, [although it has probably declined along the Thames estuary] and has been recorded in 162 monads. See Map. Bupleurum tenuissimum Callitriche truncata ssp. occidentalis Guss Short-leaved water-starwort Essex status; New to Essex, spreading. A rare native aquatic of southern England south of the 16°C July mean isotherm. Its main strongholds are in the east midlands (Notts., Lines., and Leics.J where it has been recorded in 13 hectads, plus a stable pocket in Somerset and a few scattered ephemeral records elsewhere. C. truncata lacks an emergent rosette, and has small, (< 1.0cm) reddish-green leaves, and its mericarps are rounded on the back with no trace of a keel. In common with C. hermaphroditica., it lacks the peculiar peltate hairs, Essex Naturalist (New Series) 17 (2000)