154 The Scarce Plants of Essex. Part 2. found on the leaf surfaces of all our other Callitriche species. First discovered new to Essex in 1988, in artificial lakes, it has since been found in the Chelmer & Blackwater canal (1998). It is said to be an early colonist of recently dredged, or newly created, base rich to slightly eutrophic waters. So far it has been found at four sites in Essex but it seems likely that it is more widespread and has been overlooked. [See article in Essex Field Club Bulletin (1988) 38: 41-42.]. Callitriche truncata from Great Myles lake, Kelvedon Hatch. The inset depicts the characteristic multicellular peltate hairs that are found on the surface of the leaves of C. stagnalis and most other Callitriche species, but are absent in C. truncata. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 17 (2000)