174 Millenial Status in Essex of Nationally Scarce and Threatened Species of Coleoptera Listed in column 1 are the Red Data Book categories: RDBl = Endangered; RDB2 = Vulnerable; RDB3 - Rare; RDBl = Indeterminate; RDBK = Insufficiently Known; E - Extinct (Red Data Book Appendix). For explanation of these categories see Hyman & Parsons (1994). In columns 2 and 3 prc-1970 records arc indicated by + and post-1969 records by *, The figures in columns 4 to 7 indicate the number of 10-km squares for which there are Essex records. Carabidae Harpalus parallelus Dejean Staphylinidae Manda mandibularis (Gyllenhal) Planeustomus palpalis (Erichson) Anotylus fairmairei (Pandelle) Stenus morio Gravenhorst Velleius dilatatus (Fabricius) Ilyobates nigricollis (Paykull) Amarochara forticornis (Boisd. & Lac.) Aleochara verna Say Scarabaeidae Aphodius lividus (Olivier) Buprestidae Trachys minuta (Linnaeus) Endomychidae Lycoperdina bovistae (Fabricius) Latridiidae Melanophthalma curticollis (Mannerheim) Mordellidae Mordella aculeata Linnaeus Mordellistena parvula (Gyllenhal) Curculionidae Dorytomus majalis (Paykull) Also, since preparing the previous account (Hammond, l.c.) first post-1969 Essex records have become available for several of the species already listed. These are:- Amara strenua, Anisodactylus paeciloides, Aphodius consputus, Melanotus punctolineatus, Malachius aeneus and Scraptia testacea. Finally, there are additional post-1969 records of several of the high status species to report. These include additional post-1969 10-km square records for the following:- Scydmaenus rufus, Orthoperus brunnipes, Clitostethus arcuatus, Olibrus flavicornis, Cicones undatus, Mordellistena brevicauda, Mordellistena humeralis and Mordellistena neuwaldeggiana. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 17 (2000)