196 Myriapoda: a review of their status in Essex Julus scandinavius Latzel A species which is widespread in much of Britain, but with few records from parts of the West Midlands and south-east England. It is usually found in woodland and although occasionally found in open land, especially near the coast, it is rarely found in cultivated land (Blower 1985). In Essex records of J. scandinavius are widely distributed, with most from woodland. Ophyiulus pilosus (Newport) This is a frequently recorded species in Britain and is a characteristic inhabitant of deciduous woodland. Unlike Julus scandinavius it is often frequent in gardens and in and around farmland (Blower 1985). The likelihood must be that Ophyiulus pilosus is very under-recorded in Essex. Brachyiulus pusillus (Leach) Not recorded for Essex in the 1988 national atlas, there are now two records for this species - one in each vice county. It was recorded in North Essex by S.J. Gregory on 3 January 1994 at Cymbeline Meadows, Colchester (TL985261), from a damp cattle-grazed meadow with willow-lined ditches. The author collected this millipede in South Essex on 15 May 1999 from a dyke edge in old grazing marsh grassland at Blue House Farm (TQ8697), a new Essex Wildlife Trust reserve near North Fambridge. Order POLYDESMIDA Family Polydesmidae Polydesmus angustus Latzel A common millipede found in woods, farmland, gardens and wasteland. In Essex most records are from woodland or under dead wood and stones near woodland. There are large parts of the county without records, but it is likely that these gaps will be filled by more fieldwork. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 17 (2000)