Myriapoda: a review of their status in Essex Family Schendylidae Schendyla nemorensis (CL. Koch 1837) Widespread with a tendency to be more abundant in the south of Britain (Barber & Keay 1988). Although there are widely scattered records in Essex, most are from locations in the north-east made by S.J. Gregory in 1991, 1992 and 1994. Brachyschendyla dentata Brolemann & Ribaut With only four 10km square records for this inconspicous centipede shown in the 1988 provisional national atlas, it seems strange that Recorder should give this species a national status of Local, but it is assumed to be grossly under-recorded, as evidenced by the majority of records being from the gardens of centipede enthusiasts. The only Essex record is by S.J. Gregory, found under a seed tray in a domestic garden at Stanway, Colchester (TL959235) on 25 December 1992. Family Geophilidae Henia vesuviana (Newport) The only records for Essex are by Dr S.Hopkin from Woodford Rubbish Tip (TQ416893 Jon the 29 June 1985, 5 May 1986 and 8 February 1987 (records in the former Passmore Edwards Museum database), and for TQ49 shown in the 1988 provisional national atlas. The species is mostly found near the coast with a marked bias towards urban sites (Barber & Keay 1988). It is usually found among stones or dead wood in disturbed soils and is likely to be found elsewhere in the county, especially along the East Thames Corridor. Strigamia crassipes (CL. Koch) A local species widely distributed in the south of Britain found in litter and under stones and bark in grassland and woodland. There arc three recent records in north-east Essex, made by S.J. Gregory in deciduous woodland at Chest Wood (TL964212) on28 December 1991 and Boxted (TM009335) on 28 December 1992, then at Cymbeline Meadows (TL985261) on 3 January 1994. The 1988 provisional national atlas shows a 1964-1988 record for the 10km square TQ49 and pre-1940 records for TM02, TQ59 and TQ69, together with pre-1940 records for TQ47and 57 which probably originate in Kent. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 17 (2000)