Myriapoda: a review of their status in Essex 203 Lithobius melanops Newport A common species often found in urban situatons and under stones and dead wood. In Essex there arc scattered records in those areas where myriapods have been recorded, and it will almost certainly be found elsewhere in the county. Lithobius macilentus L. Koch A local centipede of woods and moorland where it usually lives under stones. Apparently in Oxfordshire typically one or two specimens arc found amongst deep accumulations of leaf and twig litter within deciduous woodland (Gregoiy & Campbell 1996). There is one record for Essex made by S.J. Gregory at Fingringhoe Wick (TM043196) in damp deciduous woodland on 27 December 1991. Lithobius calcaratus CL. Koch A local dark brown to almost black centipede characteristic of acid heathland (Barber & Keay 1988), but it is also found in other dry open semi-natural sites. There is one pre-1940 10km square at TQ59 shown for Essex in the 1988 provisional national atlas. The only modern records are from Rowhedge (TM038213) made by S.J. Gregory on 27 December 1991 and from grass verge pitfall traps at Dedham (TM041328) made by R. Ruffell on 14 November and 12 December 1993. Lithobius crassipes L. Koch A common centipede over large areas of rural Britain except the south-west, there are scattered records in Essex. The large gaps in the middle and south of the county are almost certainly a reflection of under-recording. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 17 (2000)