ESSEX NATURALIST Volume 17 (New series) 2000 1-3 4 5 6-15 16-20 21-30 31-37 38-49 50-56 57-58 59-62 63-66 Report of the Essex Field Club for 1999-2000 Income and expenditure account for 1999 Balance sheet for 1999 The 2000 AGM address: Global Warming and its possible impact on Essex Peter Allen Profile of a Naturalist: Geoffrey Arthur Pyman MBE (1920-1999) Chris Gibson William Cole (1844-1922) founder of Essex Field Club William George Phenology in Essex: lessons from the past and examples of recent trends Tim Sparks, David Roy and Chris Mason WILDLIFE REVIEW OF THE YEAR Wildlife and Conservation Review of 1999 Chris Gibson Review of the wildlife of Epping Forest 1999-March 2000 Jeremy Dagley New Charophyte (Stonewort) and Bryophyte records Ken Adams Essex and London Ladybird Survey Paul Mabbott Behavioural Observations of the Brown Hare Lepus europaeus Maureen Gibson 67 Observations on Dormouse Muscardinus avellanarius Hibernation Nests Sue Ward 68 Long-finned Pilot Whale Globicephala melus: a new species for Essex John Dobson 69-70 Grange Farm, Chigwell: an important site for arboreal Coleoptera and other invertebrates Jonty Denton 71 Trachys minuta L. (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), a jewel beetle new to Essex Nigel Cuming 71 Pissodes castaneus (DeGeer) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), a weevil new to Essex Nigel Cuming 72 Rhopalomyia (Hormomyia) ptarmicae (Vallot, 1849) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) Rediscovered in Essex Jerry Bowdrey 73 Spathocera dahlmanni (Schilling) (Heteroptera: Coreidae) at Middlewick Ranges Jerry Bowdrey Recorder Reports for 1999: 74-75 Bats in Essex in 1999 John Dobson 75-76 Essex Mammals in 1999 John Wright 77 Amphibian and Reptile notes for 1999 David Scott 77-80 Freshwater Invertebrate Report 1998/2000 Tony Walentowicz 81 Essex Gall Records for 1999 Jerry Bowdrey 82-84 Essex Coleoptera in 1999 Peter Hammond 84-86 Recent Records of Hoverflies from Essex Roger Payne 86-96 Review of the Lepidoptera of Essex for 1999 Brian Goodey 97 Orthoptera of Essex 1999 Alan Wake 98 Essex Geology Report Gerald Lucy CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT 99-101 Habitat Creation in the Lee Valley Park Tim Hill 102-104 Epping Forest - still growing Jeremy Dagley 105-110 Fungi and the UK Biodiversity Action Plan Carl Borges 111-120 The Utilisation of Molinia caerulea (Purple Moor-grass) Tussocks by Overwintering Beetles at Epping Forest Andy Swan 121-128 Heath Fritillary Melitaea athalia in Essex: a review of its status and a report of its exceptional second generation in 1999 Graham Bailey STATUS, DISTRIBUTION AND IDENTIFICATION 129-132 Notes on Essex specialities. 3: Annual Sea-purslane Atriplex pedunculata L. Chris Gibson 133-136 Notes on Essex specialities. 4: the spider Baryphyma duffeyi (Millidge, 1954) (Araneae: Linyphiidae) Peter Harvey 137-140 Saltmarsh Goosefoot at Old Hall Marshes Terri Tarpey 141-145 The Atlas 2000 Survey - a review of TL60 Graham Smith 146 The Scarce Plants of Essex. Part 1 Update Ken Adams 147-172 The Scarce Plants of Essex. Part 2 Ken Adams 173-190 The Millenial Status in Essex of Nationally Scarce and Threatened Species of Coleoptera: further data and summary P.M. Hammond 191-204 Myriapoda: a review of their status in Essex Peter Harvey Front cover photograph Heath Fritillaries in cop. © Graham Bailey £10 (free to members)