REPORT OF THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB FOR 2000-2001 Administration The Council of the Essex Field Club met five times during the year 1999-2000 at the Red Cross Hall, Chelmsford, one meeting being continued at Boreham. The main work of Council during the year has been to consolidate the high standard the Field Club's publications, continuing to ensure the future of the Field Club's collections and library and to highlight the importance of our recording activities. Meetings The Field Club held 46 meetings and an Annual General Meeting during the year, 7 of which were held jointly with other societies. The field meetings were as follows: fungi 10, higher plants 9, moths 5, amphibians and reptiles 1. birds 10, mammals 2, geological 3, general natural history 5, exhibition 1. The joint meetings were held with the Colchester Natural History Society, the Essex Rock and Mineral Society, Essex Wildlife Trust and Bishops Stortford NHS. One meeting was a lecture on moths and butterflies by Ian Rose. The Presidential Address at the AGM had been on 'Global warming and its possible impact on Essex' by Peter Allen. Two of the meetings were Group annual meetings. The number and range of the meetings remains encouraging and is an indication of the breadth of the interest and the activity of the club. The Exhibition was a new venture, held on November 18 at Chelmsford, to demonstrate the recording and observational nature of our work. This was very successful with a purposeful but relaxed atmosphere and was attended by over 50 members. Council has decided to hold this event annually and shortly will be discussing venues and format. Scientific achievements The data collection and checking of records for the revised edition of the 1962 BSBI Atlas of the British Flora, Atlas 2000, drew to a close at the end of January 2001. This project has involved several Botany Group members assisting co-ordinator Ken Adams in the checking of a total of some 46,000 x 10 km sq. records, a wider group of members having already assisted in the accumulation since 1987 of around 20,000 new records. The Botany Group has also been involved in accumulating the database for two separate check lists of higher plants for Vc18 and Vc19, in association with the new national Census Catalogue of Higher Plants being co-ordinated by Professor Clive Stace. These new lists will form a sound basis for the preparation of the County Red Data lists. Spider database The EFC Recorder Spider database now has 44,500 Essex records, mostly the result of the efforts of the Essex Spider Group and other Field Club Members since 1986. The database has gone into the national scheme for publication by the National Biological Records Centre (now part of the National Environmental Research Council's Centre for Ecology and Hydrology) at the end of 2001 of the first national atlas of British spiders. County biological recording centre Talks have been held, to which the Field Club has been a party, to establish a county-based biological recording centre. Four members had a fruitful visit to the Hertfordshire recording centre to see how the matter is organised there. Essex Red Data project Chris Gibson and Jes Dagley outlined the history, value and procedures of the project in the January 2001 Newsletter. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 18 (2001) 1