THE ESSEX F1ELD CLUB Balance sheet as at 31st December 2000 2000 1999 Currents assets £ £ Business Investment Account 53740.69 48012.15 Premier Investment Account 1155.86 144.29 Treasurers Account 3902.09 1361.51 Cash 1.00 1.00 58799.64 49518.95 Current liabilities Creditors_____________________140.39_________77.56_____________ 140.39 77.56 Net assets 58659.25 49441.39 Financed by Capital Funds General Fund 58309.25 49091.39 Museum Fund 350.00 350.00 58659.25 49441.39 H J Bath Treasurer P Allen President Auditor's Report I have examined the accounts and financial records of the Essex Field Club and confirm that in my opinion the accounts show a true and fair view of the Club's affairs at 31 st December 1999 and of the result for the year ended on that date. A R Snelling Hon. Auditor 6th March 2000 4 Essex Naturalist (New Series) 18 (2001)