Andricus aries (Mayr) (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) - a gall wasp new to Essex JERRY BOWDREY Colchester Museums, 14 Ryegate Road, Colchester COl 1YG Ram's-horn galls on Pedunculate Oak Quercus robur, believed to be induced by the Cynipid wasp Andricus aries (Mayr), were first reported in Britain from Parliament H ill and otherparts of Hampstead Heath in London (Leach & Shirley 1999). They are characterised by a single chamber up to 8mm long and 6mm wide, which bears a horn-like outgrowth up to 50mm long. On 6th May 2000 at Little Clacton (TM1618) the author found four such galls on a young, two metre high Q. robur sapling, growing on the edge of a mixed deciduous hedge. Only four galls were located, one singleton and three grouped together, agreeing with Carpenter's observation that never more than two or three galls were found per tree (Leach & Shirley loc. cit.). All the Essex galls showed emergence holes: the literature suggests that the adults emerge in August and September. Fig. 1. Gall of Andricus aries © Colchester Museums A return visit to the site on 25th October failed to locate any galls of a subsequent generation, but on 17th December a single gall of A. aries was found on an older Q. robur at Tiptree Heath (TL8814). The gall was rendered conspicuous by the retention of a bright green colour, contrasting with the buds and twigs of the otherwise brown tree. The gall showed no emergence hole, perhaps indicating that it was dead, parasitised, or possibly lying dormant for more than one season. Shortly after the Tiptree discovery, three further Essex records were received from Brian Ecott: TQ478936 Hainault Forest 22.vii.2000; TQ431947 Roding Valley Meadows 29.viii.2000 and TQ547976 Strawberry Wood, Navestock 30.vii.2000. Galls of this species have in addition been found in Kent and Surrey (Leach 2000). I would like to thank Brian Ecott for allowing me to publish his records of A. aries. References LEACH, C.K. (2000) Andricus aries becoming established. Cecidology 15(1): 74. LEACH, C.K. & SHIRLEY, P. (1999) The ram's horn gall of Andricus aries on Quercus robur - a Cynipid gall to be added to the British list? Cecidology 14(1): 18-21. 64 Essex Naturalist (New Series) 18 (2001)