Freshwater Algae in Essex HILARY BELCHER 23 Pepys Way, Girton, Cambridge CB3 OPA Unlike many other groups of organisms, freshwater algae are under-recorded, largely due to the lack of identification literature in English, though the new flora of freshwater algae currently in press should remedy this to a considerable extent. There is no distribution map scheme, nor are there any good, recent county lists. I am trying to build up such a list for Essex (and for Cambridgeshire and Suffolk), and as I live out of the county samples sent to me by post are invaluable. In particular, material from Epping Forest ponds by Amanda Samuels, ecological surveyor for the Forest, and previously by Alwyne Whcclcr, have been of great interest, and it is hoped to continue the study of the Forest pond algae with Amanda's help. Samples from elsewhere in the county would be welcomed, a small tuft of filamentous algae, or of a water plant not rinsed, and sent in a tightly closed polythene bag wrapped in a little newspaper, will generally yield an assortment of diatoms and other algae from the film which usually covers such plants. Please send them to the address given above. New Charophyte (Stonewort) and Bryophyte records and corrigenda KEN ADAMS School of Biosciences, University of Eas! London E15 4LZ. Charophytes The following records have been added to the data base during 2000. Nitella flexilis/opaca TL(52)43 464,343 19 Clavering, new fishing lake. 19 August 1999. Shirley & Charles Watson. [N.B. N. flexilis senu lato has once more been separated into N. flexilis sensu stricto and N. opaca (lumped together by J.A. Moore in 1986) and the author would appreciate receiving living material of this aggregate to grow on and identify]. Nitella translucens TQ(51)49 418,984 18 Epping Forest, Wake Valley Pond West, present in huge quantities throughout the water column, sterile. Many whorls with very long dactyls, in addition to the normal minute ones. 23 August 2000. Still present in about the same quantity. August 2001. K.J. Adams. 68 Essex Naturalist (New Series) 18 (2001)