New Charophyte (Stonewort) and Bryophyte records and corrigenda Chara hispida var. major TL(52)51 540,196 19 Hatfield Forest, northern end of the decoy lake, with Chara vulgaris, Potamogeton pectinatus and P. trichodes, 4 September 2000. Shirley & Charles Watson. C. hispida was first recorded from this site in 1985, following enlargement of the decoy lake, but it has been known from Hatfield Forest Make' since 1820]. The decoy lake was drained down and much of the putrid sediment and detritus removed over the winter of 2000/2001 and it will be interesting to see whatsurvives and appears there next year. Bryophytes There arc two errors to report for which the author apologises to Tim Pyner, and one additional Vcl8 record. Orthotrichum stramineum TQ(51)58 516,858 I8 Dagenham, The Chase N.R., on elder. 24 April 1999. Tim Pyner. This species was intended and not O. striatum as incorrectly reported in Essex Naturalist 17: 58. O. striatum has yet to be re-recorded for Vc 18 since it was exterminated by atmospheric pollution early this century. This spelling and not semerites as in Essex Naturalist 17: 58. Asheldham, old gravel pits, forming large mats on damp gravelly and sandy areas. 11 October 1987. Tim Pyner, [This alien leafy liverwort is spreading rapidly in the south east and a full account of its occurrence and distribution in Essex is in preparation by Tim Pyner]. Lophocolea semiteres 19 TL(52)90 97-,01 18 Essex Naturalist (New Series) 18 (2001) 69