Some interesting spider records for 1999-2000 Another rare British spider Philodromus longipalpis is known from few specimens. There are however several records in Essex, from large oak trees in the open or at the edge of woodland. David Carr collected one female at Three Forests Way (TQ4203) on 1 June 1999 and the author collected two females off a large oak at Paglesham Churchend (TQ9292) on 24 June 1999. The Nationally Scarce (Notable A) jumping spider Salticus zebraneus is rare in southern Britain, but has proved to be present at a surprisingly large number of sites in Essex. It occurs on the bark of old trees in the open, often oak, but also sometimes pines and willows. The author collected the spider at five new localities in the county, including Latchingdon (TQ8899) on 15 May 1999, Vange Heights (TQ7187) on 8 June 2000 and Mill Meadows, Billericay (TQ6894) on 19 June 2000. Although locally distributed and widespread in Britain, Robertus neglectus is a very rare woodland spider in Essex, with only three records until Adrian Knowles collected one male at Levelly Wood (TL7228) between 15 and 30 August 2000, and two males at Garnetts Wood (TL6318) on 24 August 2000. The Nationally Scarce (Notable B) orb-web Singa hamata is very rare in Essex. The author collected one male at Vange Heights (TQ7187) on 8 June 2000 amongst tall open grassland, a typical habitat for the species. It favours sites where there is a variety of grassland structure and a lack of regular grassland management, not surprising when one considers the spider's habit of making its web strung across tall stems, flower heads and seed heads, in which it probably remains in situ over the winter. Other species of interest found include four 'money spiders' Halorates reprobus, Porrhomma convexum, Syedra gracilis and Walckenaeria capito. The British populations of Halorates reprobus, a coastal spider of tidal litter, are of European importance. During a visit to Foulness on 18 November 2000 David Carr recorded the species at Fishermans Head (TR0392) and The Quay (TQ9893). The author collected one male at the Wennington riverside (TQ5379) on 19 May 1999, much further west along the East Thames Corridor than previous records. Porrhomma convexum is very rare in Essex with only four previous records, three from coastal sand and shingle and one from sedge marsh. David Carr recorded one male from woodland edge bordering arable fields at Deerpark Wood (TL4103) on 31 May 1999. Ray Ruffell recorded one female of the Nationally Scarce (Notable B) Syedra gracilis at Irvine Road Allotments between 16 and 30 May 1998 and the author collected single males at Aveley Bay (TQ5379) between 16 and 24 May 2000 and Rainham Marshes (TQ5180) between 4 and 21 July 2000. Walckenaeria capito is mainly recorded under stones on high ground in mountainous areas, but there are also records from short vegetation and grazing marsh grasslands in lowland counties. It is almost restricted in Essex to grazing marsh sites along the East Thames Corridor, although there is one occurrence in the north-west of the county on sparsely vegetated ground in an old chalk pit at Mallows Green (TL4726) where David Carr found the spider on 23 May 1993, and an old record in the north-east of the county from Crabknowe Spit near Little Oakley (Cooke 1962). The author collected one female at Northwick, Canvey (TQ7683) between 23 June and 7 July 2000. The Nationally Scarce (Notable B) wolf spider Xerolycosa nemoralis is rare in Essex, but it has been found at a number of heathy woodland sites, where it occurs in clearings and coppiced areas, running on the ground over dry litter and pieces of wood. The author has found the species in new locations at Holdens Wood near Brentwood (TQ5991) on 3 July 1998, in several parts of Epping Forest at Copley Plain (TQ4399) on 27 May 1999, Furze Ground (TQ4398) on 27 May 1999 and 29 June 2000, Hill Wood (TQ4097) on 27 June 2000 and Honeylane Quarters (TQ4199) on 28 June Essex Naturalist (New Series) 18 (2001) 75