Some interesting aculeate Hymenoptera records for 1999-2000 29 August 2000; Warren Hill in Epping Forest (TQ4195) on 27 June 2000 and in North Essex at Middlewick Ranges (TM0023) on 23 August 2000. Adrian Knowles collected a queen at Old Heath Cliff Paddock (TM0123) on 7 August 2000. The Nationally Rare (RDB3) Myrmica bessarabica is very scarce and local in Essex but the county appears to hold a significant proportion of the national populations (Harvey 1998). The author collected the species at Wennington riverside (TQ5278) between 14 and 27 June 1999, Aveley Bay seawall (TQ5379) on a number of occasions between 24 May and 24 August 2000 and at Barking (TQ4682) between 27 July and 14 August 2000. Myrmecina graminicola is another scarce ant, confined to warm, sparsely vegetated sites. The author collected many males and queens at Temple Mills (TQ3686 and TQ3786) between 27 July and 16 September 1999. The Nationally Scarce (Notable A) Lasius brunneus is another ant that has a significant proportion of its national populations in Essex, as far east as Edwinshall Wood, South Woodham Ferrers and as far north as Hatfield Forest. It typically occurs on old oak trees in open situations, such as those in pasture woodland, in green lanes or at the edge of wide woodland rides. The author collected the species at Buttsbury (TQ6698) on 11 June 1999, Rawreth (TQ7892) on 24 June 1999 and Navestock Heath (TQ5396) on 6 July 1999. Adrian Knowles collected it at Bedfords Park (TQ5292) on 12 August 1999, and Adrian, Jerry Bowdrey and Nigel Cuming recorded it again on an oak trunk at the same locality (TQ5291) on 2 July 2000. Dan Hackctt collected the species at Larks Wood (TQ3892) on 15 June 1999 and Organ Lane (TQ3893) on 18 June 1999. Lasius umbratus is rare in Essex. The only modem records have been from four nearby localities in South Essex until Adrian Knowles collected the species at Harwich (TM2432) on 14 January 2000. Spider-hunting wasps (Family Pompilidae) One female of the Nationally Scarce (Notable B) Auplopus carbonarius was taken in his garden in Colchester (TM0024) by Adrian Knowles on 9 June 1999. This is a generally scarce and elusive species with few records in Essex. One female of the Nationally Scarce (Notable B) Priocnemis agilis was collected at Bedfords Park (TQ5292) by Adrian Knowles on 12 August 1999. Charles Watson collected one male of the Nationally Scarce (Notable A) P. coriacea at Broxted (TL5625) on 7 May 2000. There are very few Essex records of this spring and early summer species. The author collected one female of the Nationally Scarce (Notable B) P. gracilis, at Northwick, Canvey (TQ7683) between 23 August and 9 September 1999, one male at Barking (TQ4682) between 27 July and 29 August 2000 and a number of males and females at Rainham Marshes (TQ5180 and TQ5181) between 4 July and 9 August 2000. Dan Hackett collected the species in Waltham Forest, a male at Pimp Hall Nature Reserve (TQ3893) on 28 June 1999 and a female at Mansfield Park (TQ3794) on 26 August 1999. Dan also collected the Nationally Scarce (Notable B) Priocnemis hyalinata at Mansfield Park on the same date, the first confirmed modern record for the county. It had previously been reported by Penny Anderson Associates at the Mill Wood Pit site in Thurrock, now a housing estate in the Chafford Hundred development. The author collected the Nationally Scarce (Notable B) Arachnospila minutula at Wennington (TQ5379) between 14 and 27 June 1999 and Barking (TQ4682) between 27 July and 14 August 2000. Dan Haekert collected the species at Pimp Hall Nature Reserve (TQ3893) on 28 June 1999. Arachnospila spissa appears to be rare in the county. One female was collected by Adrian Knowles at Fingringhoe Wick (TM0419) on 26 May 1999 and one male by the author at Northwick, Canvey (TQ7683) between 23 August and 9 September 1999. Anoplius concinnus is also rare in the county. Some numbers were collected by the author at Temple Mills (TQ3686 and TQ3786) between 13 July and 16 September 1999 and at Barking (TQ4682) between 27 July and 14 August 2000. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 18 (2001) 85