Some interesting aculeate Hymenoptera records for 1999-2000 Hatfield Forest where Charles Watson took the species in 1999 and 2000, Holdens Wood (Harvey 1998), Barking and Vange where the author found it in July and August 2000 and at Southend (Payne 1997). The Nationally Scarce (Notable B) Lestiphorus (Gorytes) bicinctus was recorded by Dan Hackett at St Mary's Churchyard in Waltham Forest (TQ3786) on 22 June 1999, by the author at Temple Mills (TQ3786) between 27 July and 19 August 1999 and by Adrian Knowles at Levelly Wood (TL7228) on 15 August 2000. One female of the Nationally Endangered (RDB1) BAP species Cerceris quadricinta was found by Adrian Knowles at Middlewick Ranges (TM0022) on 16 August 1999. This is only the second modern record for Essex, Jerry Bowdrey having collected a female by the Roman Wall in Castle Park (TL9925) in 1995. The nationally important populations of the Nationally Rare BAP species C. quinquefasciata in south Essex and the Colchester area have already been mentioned earlier in the text about its cleptoparasite Hedychrum niemelai. The Bee Wolf Philanthus triangulum, formerly extremely rare and confined to the Isle of Wight and a several other localities in southern England and East Anglia continues to be recorded in suitable localities in Essex, where it is now widely distributed on sandy substrates (see fig. 3). However the author has not found as the wasp as common in the last couple of years, possibly because of the much poorer summer weather. Fig. 3. Distribution in Essex of the Bee Wolf Philanthus triangulum Apidae Solitary bees (Subfamily Colletinae) The Nationally Scarce (Notable A) mining bee Colletes halophilus has nationally important populations in Essex, which are discussed elsewhere in this journal (Harvey 2001). Females have a close association with the flowers of Sea Aster Aster tripolium, from which they collect pollen. On 22 September 2000 Adrian Knowles collected one female at Fingringhoe Wick (TM0419) and on 29 August 1999 Neil Harvey collected one male at Colne Point (TM0912) where it was first recorded in 1990. In South Essex, Roger Payne collected one male at Northwick, Canvey (TQ7683) on 29 August 1999 and on former MOD land at Shoebury (TQ93 84) on 13 September 2000. The author has recorded the bee at a number of Saltmarsh sites in Essex and near the Thames. At East Tilbury Essex Naturalist (New Series) 18 (2001) H7